Friday, December 31, 2010

Top movies of 2010 rekalled....

#1 Scott Pilgrim Vs The World: I have watched this movie more than any other on the list. It is an amazing directorial effort.

#2 The Fighter: Christian Bale's performance is Oscar worthy and the film is fun with triumph.

#3 The Town: Not an original story but Ben Affleck makes it one of the best of the bank heist genre.

#4 Macgruber: Funniest film of the year.

#5 The Social Network: Expertly crafted from all angles, screen play, direction, score and acting. This movie should have been terrible.

#6 Black Swan: I may not ever watch this again but it is an intense movie that sticks with you, really well done and has meaning.

#7 Exit Through The Gift Shop: Some may call this a documentary, I think it was another art piece by Banksy. Really awesome.

#8 The Book Of Eli: Harkens back to the great 80's style apocalyptic action films with a great twist ending.

#9 Black Dynamite: Mimics the blackploitation genre perfectly.

#10 Inception: A great film that makes you think and draws you in, heavy exposition makes repeated viewings slow.

#11 Waiting For Superman: A documentary that makes you worry for your kids future but also makes you want to do something about it.

#12 Ironman 2: A fun film with plenty of inside tidbits to a bigger universe, I liked it for that. Others thought it was too scattered. I didn't care.

#13 Toy Story 3: A visually stunning film, one of the best uses of 3D I have seen at the beggining of the movie.

#14 Joan Rivers: A Piece Of Work: A documentary with great insight into what makes Joan Rivers tic and a great comback story.

#15 Youth In Revolt: Michael Cera does a great job of being himself and not being himself.

#16 Kick-Ass: Big Daddy and Hit Girl make this movie awesome.

#17 The Cove: Type of documentary that will make you mad and want to try and do something about the problem.

#18 Cyrus: Does John C. Reilly give a bad performance?

#19 Let Me: A decent remake that doesn't surpass the original but is still interesting.

#20 Unstoppable: It is like the 90's made a 70's disaster film.

#21 The Crazies: 2 words: TIM OLYPHANT!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Black Swan rekalled...

Black Swan is the latest film from Darren Aronofsky and stars Natalie Portman in a moving, disturbing film that is worth seeing at least once. The film examines a few different themes simultaneously, women's body issues, the decent in psychological destruction, the artists sacrifice. Natalie Portman carries this film and is in almost every scene, giving a very an amazing fractured performance. The films has some great tension filmed scenes with relatable anxieties and disturbing sounds. Also a great use of digital effects that blends well with the aesthetic of the surroundings, it doesn't take you out of the film when things get fanciful. Not one that I will watch often but glad I saw at least once.

TRON:Legacy rekalled...

TRON:Legacy is the sequel to the the 80's Disney film and they try to recapture the magic of the original and fail disappointingly. A film that had been building my expectations for 3 years from the initial concept film shown at comic-con to the alternative underground marketing of a scavenger hunt for a recreated arcade featuring games and material from the movie. The film was a huge disappointment and felt like missed opportunity for greatness. The film had a great look but the action wasn't that amazing. Jeff Bridges lives off his Jeffery Lebowski performance in TRON and is a little distracting. The biggest distraction was the digital performance of a young Jeff Bridges clone program that didn't seem quite lifelike, the uncanny valley effect was evident. The effects were the only improvement over the original, the character and story was lacking, just disappointing.

True Grit rekalled...

True Grit is the newest Coen brother's film that is a remake of the John Wayne film of the same name which is based on a book. Hailee Steinfeld carries this film with a nuanced performance exuding a confident curiosity and delivers her dialog with a crisp wit. Jeff Bridges performance was a little more boisterous and mumbling than I would have enjoyed, I feel he has been riding on the laurels of his Big Lebowski fame for a while. Matt Damon gives a passable character performance but nothing special. The film is shot rather well but does have a few moments of obvious green screen and digital effects which stands out against the texture of this western. A decent film but not did not live up to the hype in my opinion.

TheFighter rekalled...

The Fighter is one of those films that doesn't tread new territory or create a new genre but it does do the fighter or boxing genre a great service by being a great film. Based on a true story, this film is filled with great performances and crowd pleasing dialog. Christian Bale steals the show with an all out performance of a crack head. Mark Wahlberg doesn't stand out but doesn't hurt the film, his sisters and mother really do add texture and depth to the film. One of my favorites of the year and I can't imagine anyone disliking it.

Switch rekalled...

Switch is the rom com featuring Justin Bateman and Jennifer Aniston. Only worth seeing if you like Jason Bateman. Otherwise it is forgettable.

Charlie St. Cloud rekalled...

Charlie St.Cloud is the Zac Efron vehicle which seemed like a very typical sappy romance story which actually surprised me by the end of the film. Zac Efron gives a great performance and I can see his career really blossoming. There is a plot twist that I didn't see coming and can't figure out if I give this movie more respect than I normally would, not necessarily a great film but I have seen worse. I will probably forget I saw it shortly.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 rekalled...

HPatDH:P1 is the latest and second to last film in the Harry Potter serious based on the children's books. This was my first Harry Potter film and I have never read any of the books so this film was not created for me because this film definitely is not for someone who is not familiar with the characters or story line. I thought the film was long, boring and goes nowhere. I have no interest in seeing or reading any of the Harry Potter material out there, this film did not take.

Unstoppable rekalled...

Unstoppable is a great throw back film to the 70's style disaster films with a couple of great crowd pleasing performances from Denzel Washington and Chris Pine. A nice run away train film with a ridiculous plot but is just a lot of fun. Plenty of action and some funny performances from minor characters. Definitely worth a viewing if you just want an entertaining film that doesn't do anything unexpected or original.

Faster rekalled...

Faster is the newest revenge action film staring Dwayne Johnson that all his fans have pined for and only slightly disappoints. The film meanders a bit and gets away from the core and focus of Dwayne Johnson's character revenge mission. There is a hitman character whose arch doesn't really fit in with the film and could have be excised from the film for better pacing and tighter story. We get half of what we want from a Dwayne Johnson film, a straight up action revenge film that doesn't pull it's punches but other characters get in the way and slow it down. Not necessarily a need to see unless you are a Dwayne Johnson completist.

Let Me In rekalled...

Let Me In is a remake of the Swedish film Let the Right One In which in itself is a adaptation of the book Let Me In. The movie is beautifully shot and sets the period well for the early 80's in an American town. The aesthetic is a great character itself but the actors give some great performances. The only problem I have a with the film was some of the action was digitally done and really stood out with the beautiful aesthetic of the rest of the film. I did enjoy the film but still not as good and quirky as the Swedish original.

The Social Network rekalled...

The Social Network, from the mind of director David Fincher and screen writer Aaron Sorkin, about the rise to power and split of the creators of Facebook. This film is filled with amazing performances and creativity, a truly great collaborative effort. The score is amazing and original, the direction is impeccable and the dialog is engrossing and there are performances galore. Jesse Eisenberg gives the perfect performance for his acting style, Andrew Garfield and Justin Timberlake are great opposing forces and Armie Hammer has some great scene stealing one liners as 2 characters, he is a great find. One of my favorite films of the year, can't recommend it higher.

Jackass 3D rekalled...

Jackass 3D is the third film from the Jackass crew and is just as absurd and entertaining as the others. The film does have peaks and valleys of humorous pranks to gross out scenes but is rather enjoyable. The 3D is entertaining and used rather well in a few scenes but on a whole I am not a 3D fan since I usually forget I am watching 3D after a while. Not for the squeamish but an entertaining time for a once through, I had a great time but probably need to see it again.

RED rekalled...

RED is the "comedy" or "action" film based on a comic book series that I know nothing of and after seeing this I don't have any interest in ever seeing. Bruce Willis stars in this film and completely mails in his performance with the patented smirk and no real charm, it all seemed very manufactured. The action was sparse for a action film and the laughs were lame for a comedy. A lot of wasted performances by quality actors such as Brian Fox, John Malkovich, Helen Mirren and Morgan Freeman. Avoid this film, not worth any time.

Waiting for Superman rekalled...

Waiting for Superman is a documentary about the state of the public school system for a great many students and parents in the united states. The documentary definitely comes down against the current public system but not completely on the side charter schools but sites the best as examples for the schools in the future. It is a very moving film and has a passion behind it that you wish you could give to all parents and politicians to improve the schools for students and our own future. A great, moving documentary.

Monday, September 27, 2010

CYRUS rekalled...

CYRUS is an independent film staring John C. Reilly, Marisa Tomei and the title character Cyrus played by Jonah Hill, although the film is named after his character it is about John C. Reilly's interaction with Cyrus and his mother. Jonah Hill gives a great subtle performance of a character with mother issues and John C. Reilly gives an equally great performance of a perpetually frustrated person that is beaten down by life. Once again Marisa Tomei gives a great performance, not bad for a lady whom many had considered washed up and undeserving an academy award, proving them wrong! The film opens up with the dreaded shaky cam and unnecessary zooming which had me doubting the movie from the outset but the film won me over. And odd little film with awkward interactions and great performances. This film shows that even though some people may be quite different from each other on the surface they may be more alike than they perceive.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The TOWN rekalled...

The TOWN is the newest directorial edition from budding artier Ben Affleck. Unfairly maligned for some poor acting choices and becoming another cog in the hollywood machine he has fought back to prove that his early success was not a fluke. The TOWN is masterfully directed with plenty of action and tension, I was truly impressed. While the film doesn't break any new ground in genre or story-wise, the film is great none the less. The one-last-hiest bank robber genre is not an easy one to leave a mark and this film will go down as one the greats. Even in the moments of thick Boston accents when I couldn't tell what was said, the way the story was told I was never lost. And according to this film Charleston Massachusetts is the Compton of white people. Highly recommended.

JOAN RIVERS: a PIECE of WORK rekalled...

Joan Rivers: a Piece of Work is a documentary about the legendary comedian Joan Rivers. This film was a great view into one year of here life and the struggles to remain relevant in the youth dominated entertainment industry. There is great insight into what makes the woman tick and what drives her to continue when so many of her peers have past on, retired or become irrelevant. Here were don't get to see her most interesting year of her career but one of her most triumphant.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

HARD EIGHT rekalled...

HARD EIGHT is an early Paul Thomas Anderson(of Boogie Nights and There Will Be Blood fame) film that stars many recognizable actors from John C Reilly to Samuel L Jackson to Gwyneth Paltrow but focuses on classic character actor Philip Baker Hall. Not bad for an early film but it had some moments of awkwardness and the slow pacing didn't help hide the faults. An interesting film for an early film maker that would go on to make some amazing films but was not feeling it by the end. It just kind of ran out of juice and was that, already fading from my memory. I am glad that Paul Thomas Anderson was able to take what he learned and executed from this film and make some truly great classics.

GET HIM TO THE GREEK rekalled...

GET HIM TO THE GREEK is a comedy staring Jonah Hill and Russell Brand in characters that originated in Forgetting Sarah Marshal. Being a fan of Jonah Hill and hearing that Russell Brand was a pretty big star in England I had expectations of laughing quite a bit and didn't laugh that much. The problem with this movie seemed to be it did't know what kind of comedy it wanted to be, vas-elating between a gross out hard R comedy and an absurdness of an Anchorman and never committing to either and coming up short in the potential for humor. Russell Brand's style of humor didn't connect with me either, Jonah Hill needed a better foil and their styles didn't mesh well to me. A lot of the bits seem to be attempts at humor but with no conclusion, like they hard the idea but then would just give up on it. Overall I was disappointed in the film and would rather have watched Superbad again.

MACHETE rekalled...

MACHETE is director Robert Rodriguez's homage to the exploitation genre expanded from a trailer originally created for his other homage to the grindhouse genre, Planet Terror. This film does not succeed in being as entertaining as his previous effort. In the opening minutes of the film we see the main character; Machete being played by Danny Trejo, doing what we would expect from a bad ass that we saw from the trailer and I thought I was in for a great ride. Too bad the film peaked in those opening moments, after that we get a increasingly less entertaining movie from scene to scene. Maybe he had a problem of being painted into a corner feeling like had to have every scene from the fake trailer in the real movie and some of these made no sense and destroyed the flow of the film. Generally the scenes from the fake trailer were more interesting that everything else and the "used film" look was not consistent which seemed to be a theme. It was pretty jarring to see the actual height of Danny Trejo in establishing shots, he even appeared uncomfortable in some scenes, he just felt under used and I think they could have had him do more, show more emotion. The one stand out of the film was the performance of Jeff Fahey, he is the perfect actor for this style of film. I would love to see him in more, he stands out in anything he does. Other than that this film is forgettable, it would be better just to see Planet Terror again.

PIRANHA 3D rekalled...

PIRANHA 3D is a remake of the classic B horror of the same name and I am not sure if it fails, meets, exceeds or the original since I have never seen it but this film doesn't make me want to run out and see the original. I knew what I was getting into when I went to see this film and I had my low expectations met. With a cast that had many comedians and interesting actors the film was rather flat and unentertaining, a lot of talent wasted. With actors like Elizabeth Shoe, Adam Scott, and Christopher Lloyd you would expects laughs and compelling characters but the film decided to focus on a couple of teens without charisma or charm. That is my biggest complaint, a misdirected focus. The second biggest problem was for a "3D" film; it was terrible. The 3D effects merely looked like a series of card board cut outs in from of another. In the opening moments Richard Dreyfus appears to have a disembodied head and a separate shoulder on different flat plains. And after a while the 3D either faded away or they gave up on it. 3D is not a future I await in anticipation, I would rather watch in 2D. Not that it would have helped this film, character was what this film was weakest in.

THE COVE rekalled...

The Cove is a documentary about the secret of a Japanese town and the lengths it goes to cover up and protect this secret. Advertised as a real world environment spy thriller, the film comes up a little short. Being a documentary of an ongoing problem the film has an unsatisfactory ending but that probably half the point, to get more people motivated to join the cause. Extremely interesting and informative the film succeeds in educating and garnering sympathy for the cause but for entertainment value I was left wanting more or a more satisfying conclusion. I think it is an important film to see but the advertising may be a little misleading, although tense in moments it isn't complete.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World rekalled...

Scott Pilgrim vs The World is a comic book based film staring Michael Cera and directed by Edgar Wright that is heavily influenced by many facets of nerd culture. That being said I think it was a great film that should be accessible to almost anyone. The most obvious and frequent reference is video games with the styling and bases of the film and indy rock music a close second. I can not express how creative and fun this film was, a really enjoyable ride from beginning to end. The pacing of the film is go go go without feeling rush, there are no wasted moments or drawn out scenes for the most part. The characters in the film are unique and entertaining. It is hard to categorize this film; a little bit romantic comedy, an action movie with the best action scenes this year, or nerd homage. It isn't one of these, it is all of these. Edgar Wright's direction really struck me here, so many things I have not seen in a movie that worked so well. This film should have been a disaster, it had no right turning out this good. Maybe best film of the year so far.

The Other Guys rekalled...

The Other Guys is a new Will Ferrell and Adam McKay comedy in the vein of the other pseudo improv comedies of Step Brothers or Anchorman but not nearly as good. While Will Farrell was decent in the film there were no out loud laughs. Will Farrell's costar in the film; Mark Wahlberg was not funny in the least bit and he was not a good match for Ferrell's comedic stylings. Wahlberg was funnier in the Happening, unintentionally. The story was convoluted and the direction was poor. This was the odd film that I had a nice time at but realized wasn't vary good and I grew to dislike the film after seeing the film. Watching Anchorman or Step Brothers again would be a wiser decision than viewing this film for the first time.

Micmacs rekalled...

MICMACS is a french film from the famed director of Amelie, City of Lost Children and Delicatessen; Jean-Pierre Jeunet and this film is more of the same, which is not a bad thing. His films are filled with a whimsy that doesn't feel forced and is deeply textured and almost like a live action cartoon and this is no exception. A story that I really couldn't describe the plot to since it meanders and touches into many areas but feels right. A great film to feel a different point of view and style from many of the U.S. films that are pumped out ad nauseam. If you are looking for something a little different with a good heart this is it.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dinner for Schmucks rekalled...

DINNER FOR SCHMUCKS is the newest staring vehicle for Steve Carell and makes me wish he would keep his day job. If you don't know Steve Carell is the star of NBC's the Office and is leaving the show after this season to focus on his film career which will pale in comparison if this is any sign of what he will produce in the future. His performance is not to blame at all, I laughed quite a bit at this film mostly due to Carell, the story was a major weakness in my opinion. This is an odd film for me, I did find parts humorous but in between those moments I just though what a dumb movie this was. It seems most of the comedic scenes were rushed or hurried just so they could get to the awkward humor that Steve Carell has perfected on the Office. Paul Rudd's talents were wasted here, he has comedic chops of his own and was regulated to the straight man trapped in a spiraling story of improbable coincidences and forced encounters. With all the talent tied to this film I expected much more, lower your expectations and this could be enjoyed. I know the audience I saw it with enjoyed it quite a bit so maybe I am in the minority here. Again.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Exit Through the Gift Shop rekalled...

EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP is, perhaps, a documentary about the modern street art scene and it's biggest stars and how a new one is formed. Brought to us by Banksy; a world famous street artist know for his thought provoking stencil work, with footage shot by Thierry Guetta; a street art fan turned street art star. The film follows Thierry and his film everything obsession which overlaps his obsession with street artists. He eventually meets to 2 biggest stars whom are Banksy and Shepard Fairey of OBEY GIANT fame and is inspired to become one himself. The film plays as a bit of a history lesson of the street art scene and shows the major players and how one can evolve from simple graffiti to respected and financially profitable artist. While the film comes off as a documentary I feel that the film's true intention is to explore how easy one can manufacture an image and blur the lines of what art and who decides what art is valuable. I really enjoyed the film and the art is inspiring, I also enjoy the ambiguity of what the film is, it just makes you think and question how art is popularized. Highly recommended.

INCEPTION rekalled...

INCEPTION, the newest Christopher Nolan film starring Leonardo DiCaprio, is a sci-fi heist film that is a thinker but if you pay attention it isn't difficult to follow. Now I have a mixed review for this film, I had extremely high expectations for this film and it didn't meet them yet the film was really good and I recommend seeing it. It was not life changing or a new fave but a really well done original film that was completely enjoyable.

While being an original film it constantly reminded me of other films and video games. Some sound cues reminded me of Blade Runner and Goldeneye the video game, some scenes reminded me of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and once again Goldeneye. I had heard that Christopher Nolan is a fan of James Bond and this film could easily be an audition for directing a Bond film, great action and a spy-esque scenes show the understanding he has for the genre.

DiCaprio gives a fine performance, a couple of times I found him "acting" and taking me out of the emotion of the scene but otherwise solid. I was not impressed Joseph Gordon-Levitt's wooden performance, he seemed very rigid and maybe that is what he was going for but it did't resonate with me except for one scene when he tricks a very good Ellen Paige into doing something unexpected, nothing spectacular but subtle. For me the one stand out was Tom Hardy, every scene he is in he steals it and oozes a natural cool and I want to see more of this guy in more films, possibly the next Bond?

The story starts out with a bang and introduces you to a world without much explanation but then goes about establishing all the details you need to know about the world of dreams that Nolan is going to take you a ride on so you understand every step. The special effects are done in a realistic manner, no obvious CG moments for the sake of CG, everything just blends together really well. And to describe the films overlapping story telling would be more confusing that the way it plays out, Nolan keeps what could be a mess really organized and easy to follow. Nolan really steps up his use of action from his previous work and I was completely engrossed in the film throughout.

My only real problem with the film was the track history that Nolan had established with his previous works, I was expecting a prefect film. Memento was mind blowing when I first saw it, the Prestige is one of my favorite films and the Dark Knight is great for a worn out property, Inception was just a solid piece of film making and an enjoyable movie. I just was expecting his crowning achievement and one that would surpass his other films and it didn't for me. As long as you are not expecting your new favorite film I think any sci-fi or action film fan can enjoy Inception.

Predators rekalled...

PREDATORS, the Robert Rodriguez produced, Nimrod Antal directed film that harkens back the 80's actioniers ultimately fails in it's quest to recapture the magic of the original. The concept is great, go to another planet that acts as a game reserve for the Predators and throw a mix of dangerous people for them to hunt. While trying to catch the magic of the original Predator film this installment tries to mimic too many moments from the original and fails to create it's own memorable moments. It just seems to be another wasted chance in an interesting franchise that doesn't know when to pay homage and when to strike out on it's own. The cast of characters was interesting but there were few moments that made the originals cast of characters memorable. While not a terrible film but it just felt like a hollow re-imagining of the original.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice rekalled...

The Sorcerer's Apprentice is Disney's newest magic based attempt to capture the children and tween Harry Potter fan market and start a new franchise. I, for one, hope that this movie isn't allowed to graduate to master or grandmaster from apprentice. I am not interested in any more of this. An uneven film that doesn't seem to know what it really wants to be. Starring Nicolas Cage, who gives a decent performance, and Jay Baruchel who becomes increasingly annoying the more screen time he is given. A fine performance by Alfred Molina is wasted as well, he doesn't seem to give a bad performance. The film seems to straddle a buddy film and a youth struggling to realize his true place and not giving either enough time to develop into something enjoyable. Sometimes it feels like a Nicolas Cage film and his backstory may be interesting but then we have to put up with the whiny and predictable story of the sorcerer's apprentice. Jay Baruchel's should be regulated to sidekick duty because his style get's old real fast. Over all a film that could have been much more and failed to be the couple of things it attempted.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

AVATAR: the last air bender REKALLED....

AVATAR: the last air bender is the latest film from famed director M. Night Shamalan and we can only hope it is his last. Such a terrible movie. This movie has no redeeming qualities, none. I knew a few minutes into this film I was in for a terrible ride. The acting is terrible and the script doesn't help. And for someone like M. Night Shamalan whose reputation for being a competent director with shock endings this movie is a far cry from everything else he has done. The action scenes are poorly done and there are none of the signature framing shots of his early work. He is obviously in way over his head or run out of talent. Some people may want to give this movie a pass because it is supposed to be a children's film but after seeing what pixar can do with a "children's" film I can't accept that as an excuse for a terrible film. This is the worst film I have seen this year and in a long time. I can not explain how much I disliked this film from beginning to end.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The A-TEAM rekalled...

The A-TEAM, the modern re-imagining of the iconic 80's television show, is just as good as the old TV show without the nostalgia. Let me let you in on a little secret, the original TV was terrible and this movie might be worse. The film was disjointed and irritating. It was as if the rammed 3 movies together and only the worst parts rose to the surface. Witty banter that tried too hard and failed, action scenes that didn't work and wasted talent. The film seemed like it wanted to be an Ocean's 11 style film with Die Hard action and failed on both accounts. Bradley Cooper who normally oozes cool and witty banter was really off putting and seemed to try too hard as Face. Liam Neeson just didn't seem right as Hannibal. Other actors were non-factors and wouldn't have saved this mess of a story. The whole film seemed to be based on the line "I love it when a plan comes together" since every step of the film is a part of numerous plans which has ridiculous points of improbable execution and impossible timing to come together. Plans should make things easier.

One part that seemed to upset me most was after a series of actions which involved men jumping from motorcycles onto semi's and tackling people while avoiding bullets with no emotional reaction but then they drive through a gated fence and many hoots and hollars were had by the characters in the film. This after they had completed the most death defying stunts.

Just a terrible terrible film and avoid at all costs.

Toy Story 3 rekalled...

Toy Story 3, the new pixar film and the final chapter of the trilogy of the toy's of Andy is a satisfying end. The film with many voice talents of traditional actors which can be disastrous or unimpressive but not in this case. Tom Hanks gives a great emotional performance and carries the weight of the film. This film seemed to be the most action packed of the series as well and could be a little too intense for the smaller kids but is quite enjoyable for adults. The opening sequence was great and very creative and I was totally into it after that. My expectations were very high and they were met. Once again I found the 3D not necessary, I forget I am watching it but it is not worth the extra money. Pixar is great at disguising grown-up stories as children's entertainment.

Jonah Hex rekalled...

Jonah Hex, another comic book based property from DC that stars the oldest Goonie Josh Brolin was exactly what I feared when I saw the panel at Comic-con last year... a hot mess. Nothing really worked in this movie. The story was not interesting and the action was laughable, like a cross between Wild Wild West and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. 4 times in fight scenes the good guy is getting beat up with a villain on top and the hero reaches over to grab something just out of reach to turn the tide. This film wasted the talent of Josh Brolin and John Malkovich and only had Megan Fox for window dressing and does nothing to add to the film. This films only redeeming quality was that it only clocked in at 72 minutes, I didn't have to put up with the crap too long.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

MacGRUBER Rekalled...

MacGRUBER is a perfect example of tempered expectations. I went into this film thinking it could be funny but expecting a failure. Much to my surprise was the funniest film I have seen in a long time.Twice I was laughing so hard I had tears. All in all a nice surprise, I had laughed at some of the trailer but I was afraid that it had shown all the best parts. That wasn't possible since this films was a hard R rating and those funny scenes couldn't be shown in the commercials. Will Forte is a rare actor who is willing to sacrifice any dignity for the humor of a scene and he goes to the extreme in this film, he is the driving force of this film. Amazing that a sometimes funny parody from Saturday Night Live about an 80's TV could be turned into a feature length film that is actually funny. If you are looking for a good comedy and that is definitely for adults then you can't go wrong with this one. Although I am eager to see this film again to see if my lowered expectations helped me appreciate this film more.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ironman 2 rekalled...

IRONMAN 2, the sequel to the great-out-of-nowhere Ironman from a couple of summers ago, comes at us again, all guns blazing. The key players are back, Jon Favre brings his keen ability to craft and entertaining story and his star is Robert Downey Jr does not disappoint with his interpretation of Tony Stark. Never has a character so arrogant and narcissistic been so fun to root for as the one that Downey has crafted in Ironman 2. There is plenty of action and John Favre shows his growing ability as a director with these action scenes while maintaining the humorous interactions with all the characters. The bit players really tied the film together with an excellent performance from Sam Rockwell as rival industrialist Justin Hammer. Overall I really enjoyed the film from beginning to end and had many little moments for fans of the comic and the universe they are developing but it wasn't overwhelming for the average film goer. A real crowd pleaser. I liked it so much I saw it twice within a week of each viewing and can hardly wait for the Bluray to see more of what went into this movie.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kick-Ass rekalled....

KICK-ASS, the newest comic-book based film to hit the screens brings a realistic bent for the genre. Or at least attempts to in a genre where people fly and come back to life. I had the pleasure/disservice to see a massive preview of this film at last summers San Diego Comic-Con and I thought it was a can't miss sure fire hit. I was slightly wrong that it was an enjoyable film but not the hit I thought it would be. I noticed the marketing of the film was pretty bad and seem to miss-represent what I had sensed the film to be from the preview. And since I saw a bunch of the best clips from the film and had to marinate on the film for about 8 months it didn't quite live up to what I had built it up to be but it was still good.

I am still amazed at the talent that Matthew Vaughn has in only his 3rd film, he is trying to push genres and bringing something unique. In my opinion he is 2 of 3 with Stardust being terrible. And the kid who plays Kick-Ass; Aaron Johnson does a great job of the nerdy kid with super hero ambitions, I did not know he was Australian until after the movie. His transition from kid to Kick-Ass is a believable secret identity not thinking it is him or him doing a ridiculous voice to cover up. Nicolas Cage as Big Daddy gives another mesmerizing performance where he is just chewing scenery and pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable and absurd with nice comical touches here and there. I am a bit of an Nicolas Cage fan/apologist though. If you haven't heard by now, Hit-Girl played by Chloe Moretz, stole the movie with all the best lines and awesome action. I really enjoyed he banter with Nicolas Cage and wanted to see more of that father/daughter/crime fighting relationship.

Overall I enjoyed the film, whilst not as good as I hoped, my expectations were wildly out of control. This movie does have some ridiculous moments and leaves the realm of reality but if you want reality go outside. If you want to see the super-hero genre pushed or just watch an entertaining spectacle then you can't miss with this.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Clash of the Titans rekalled...

Clash of the Titans, the remake by Louis Leterrier and staring Sam Worthington, is a bland action movie with passable, but not great, special effects. The original, which I haven't seen in years, holds a special place for the special effects and it's interpretation of classic stories. This new version does nothing to replace or differentiate enough from the original to be worth making. Plus the big Kraken at the end of the film is nothing special since they show it all in the trailer, if you have seen the trailer you have seen everything you want to see in the film. Nothing in this film will make you forget Bubo the mechanical owl(it even makes an appearance)or Harryhausen's great stop motion special effects.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Hot Tub Time Machine is a high concept "R" rated comedy that has the ridiculous premise that 3 old friends and a young relative somehow time travel to the 80's and hijinks ensue. As ridiculous as the premise was this was a great comedy. The story doesn't hold back and definitely it isn't for kids and Rob Corddry steals the film with a classic jerk performance. This was just a fun film and if you are looking for a comedy for adults then you can't miss with Hot Tub Time Machine.

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus rekalled...

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus is the latest feature from Terry Gilliam and the last performance of the all too brief career of Heath Ledger. Another example of a troubled feature that had to make major changes to get finished. With the death of Heath Ledger part way through the production the story actually allowed for a novel way for the story to progress with different actors playing the Ledger role. Even with this novel approach the film felt unfinished and didn't make much sense, even for a Terry Gilliam film. The special effects were subpar but the art direction was up to Terry Gilliam's normal used universe feel. The bright point of the film was the performance of Lily Cole who felt natural yet had emotion when needed, surprising to me coming from someone whom I knew was a model going in. She turned out to be more than a pretty face. Over all, the film seemed to have too many focuses and assumptions by characters that didn't make sense. Not a film I recommend unless you want to see the last performance of Heath Ledger or how they dealt with it. I would just watch the Dark Knight again if you want to see Heath Ledger at his best or Brazil if you want to see classic Terry Gilliam.

the WOLFMAN rekalled...

WOLFMAN, the troubled vanity project staring Benicio Del Toro directed by Joe Johnston came and went with a whimper. The history of this film is one of those hollywood legends of a film that changed it's director a month before shooting and continuos edits and changes to the composer just weeks before the movie open after being delayed numerous times with reshoots.

The story was weak and forgettable with some strong actors who were wasted in this film. I did enjoy the art direction of the film and it was directed in a manor that had some unique moments and style but falls apart on a whole. The biggest disappointment of the film was the acting of Benicio Del Toro, he was pedestrian and boring which is ironic since he was playing a famous actor in the film. Anthony Hopkins had some choice lines and delivered them with a polish that made him the bright point of the film. Emily Blunt's character and the relationship she has with Benicio is a forced one, one of the movie romances that has no reason for developing but is the deepest of loves that they would die for one another which was unbelievable. And the score was laughable even though veteran composer Danny Elfman was called back after being removed early in the process, he used a musical shorthand to make reference to gypsies and others to bring on my laughter.

Avoid this movie unless you are interested in how hollywood tries to save a film that is troubled from the start.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ninja Assassin rekalled...

NINJA ASSASSIN, a modern martial arts action film brought to us by James McTeigue which to me is just an extension of the Wachowski's brand since he was their assistant director for their most recent films and appears to be a disciple of the brothers. The style of the film is very slick and if I was 10 years old I would say this was my favorite movie ever. Alas I am not a youth anymore and this film was simply entertaining, the gore was a pleasant surprise. A fun film that only seemed to be lacking a little extra oomph to take it to greatness. I wanted a little more ninja vs. modern soldier action. There was a smile inducing moment at the end of the film but other than that is was a straight forward ninja action story adding elements to the ninja lore that I enjoyed. A solid film.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

the CRAZIES rekalled...

THE CRAZIES is a new suspenseful thriller and is a remake of a "classic" George Romero film of the same name. I put classic in quotations because I have little to no respect for George Romero's films which are often lionized for no discernible reason. While I haven't scene the original I am sure the remake surpasses it in every way. THE CRAZIES is a slow burn thriller that is taut with tension without going overboard with action or gore. The movie stars Tim Olyphant and the movie tells it's story from his point of view for most the film, not a lot of other plot lines to follow in any depth. It is a story of his sheriff character and his steps to retrieve his wife and escape the crazies and the government hoping to contain a potential pandemic by any means necessary. I am a big fan of Olyphant and it was good to see him shine in a staring role, while not as iconic as his sheriff character from DEADWOOD he puts in a solid performance believing everything he choses to do. I was thoroughly entertained by this film.

Another point I would like to make is this film becomes immensely entertaining if you view the film from the point of view of a Tea Bagger believer. You can use this as an example of what would happen if Barack Obama ever get's his wish for universal healthcare, death squads and big government dragging you out of your homes. This movie has it all! That made me laugh.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

COP OUT rekalled...

COP OUT is the newest buddy cop film out the week, starring Tracy Morgan and Bruce Willis and directed by Kevin Smith. Kevin Smith directing a film is not new but him not writing the movie is new to him and his audience and it is not note worthy. I respect Kevin Smith for setting out and carving a niche out in Hollywood but this film seems to be him trying to play the Hollywood game. KS doesn't have a visual style that sets him apart or above his contemporaries and without his knack for dialog or interesting situations his talents are wasted here. While Tracy Morgan garners a few genuine laughs with is Jazz Comedy style Bruce Willis appears to smug his way through the film and really add nothing to a tired formula. I have heard Kevin Smith speak about his admiration of Bruce Willis and maybe his fandom got in the way of trying to get an entertaining performance out of him. Sean Williams Scott does a great job in spot duty with a truly odd performance in an otherwise by the book story. I feel a film with Tracy Morgan and Sean Williams Scott could be an entertaining one if given the chance to improve their way through from the time they had together on screen. But the story is so meaningless and tired that it only seems to get in the way of any laughs, trying too hard to have the trappings of an 80's buddy cop film even with the score by Harold Faltermeyer of Beverly Hills Cop fame. Weird how a film that had so many things I appreciate in it failed so miserably.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Black Dynamite rekalled...

BLACK DYNAMITE is a send up of 70's blacksploitation film and does so in such a convincing manner that one could dupe someone with no experience with these actors into thinking it was something from the 70's. Michael Jai White is perfect in the amalgamation of the cinematic blacksploitation ideal and he carries this rather quickly paced film throughout it's 90 minute runtime. As I watched I wondered how they would sustain the pacing and story for a feature length film about 30 minutes in but there was much story to be told. The film seem to be all over the place but follow it's own logic and things seem to make sense. BLACK DYNAMITE wasn't so much making fun of the blacksploitation genre as it seem to be a loving tribute with all the parts one would love about the genre. I was only taken out of this world on a couple of occasions that Tommy Davidson appeared and did his schtick but I am familiar with his stylings from his days on In Living Color and most of the other actors blended into their rolls. Arsenio Hall even makes an understated(for him) appearance. All in all an enjoyable film and an interesting study of how to craft a film in the blacksploitation genre.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Inglourious Basterds rekalled... AGAIN

INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS is my favorite film of the last year, I have seen it in the theater 4 times and own a copy of it. My last viewing was just this last weekend and it is still quite mesmerizing. If you haven't seen it yet and you consider yourself a Quentin Tarantino fan or a fan of film and cinema you owe it to yourself to see it. Must see.

Youth In Revolt rekalled...

YOUTH IN REVOLT is the newest teen comedy staring Michael Cera as a character who feel utterly alone and not satisfied with his life and decides to make big changes after meeting the girl of his dreams. I had some trepidations going into this film thinking that maybe the Michael Cera as a teen boy schtick was wearing off but I was pleasantly surprised. The film was a bit more dark and edgy than I expected with some genuine laughs, plus there was some cool direction choices that I did not expect either. I saw this on valentines day with my lady and it was perfect, not terribly sappy yet had some heart and appealed to us both. Not as good as SUPERBAD(which is great) but much better than Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist(which was a disappointment).

Saturday, January 30, 2010

BIG FAN rekalled...

BIG FAN, an independent dark comedy staring nerdy comic Patton Oswald is an interesting view of the world of the obsessed sports fan. The film's premise is an interesting angle, one fan meets his favorite player and he is assaulted by said player and the ramifications from this encounter. I enjoyed the beginning and the end but the middle 40 minutes or so is mind numbingly boring. Maybe that was to reinforce the mundane reality of the main characters life but I think that's why Hollywood invented the music montage. Over all a bit of a disappointment, Patton Oswald is a good comedian and does and admiral job of channelling a fan's passion as well as the other actors in the film but the story just fails the premise. Just drags too much in the middle. If seen, be sure you have the ability to fast forward through the middle, you will get the gist of what is happening.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Legion rekalled...

LEGION, the new Paul Bettany action movie is one to avoid. A terrible film. Boring and talky for an action film that had potential. I enjoy Paul Bettany's work and there are some other actors whom you think would make the film interesting and none of it works. Dennis Quaid and Charles S. Dutton waste their time in this as well. One of the main characters name's is Jeep, I think this was unintentionally hilarious since it made me laugh every time I heard it. The film is about a rogue angel who comes to earth to protect the unborn child that will save mankind from the coming apocalypse. The film has an interesting beginning with an possessed old woman getting hit in the head with an iron pan and that is the peak of action for the film, that happens in the first 20 minutes or so and fails from there on out. The simple siege story has no suspense since the attackers only mount one attack when they have the numbers to simply over run the survivors. Their attacks are simplistic, irrational and few. Just a ridiculous waste of time, not even a fun dumb action film that I expected it to be.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

the BOOK of ELI rekalled...

The BOOK of ELI is the newest film from the Hughes Brothers(a brand name that holds no special spot in my heart) and Denzel Washington. This post-apocalyptic film set 30 years after an event that makes the world that is what our hero travels through. This film was very stylish and had a very muted pallet which seemed to really work and the score was also perfect and original feeling for the story. I had low expectations heading into this but not completely negative. I am a fan of Gary Oldman and Mila Kunis so that was a draw. Denzel Washington is hit or miss for me, I love some of his films and others I find painful. This film stayed with me after I saw it and my admiration grew afterwards. They really did a good job of surprising me at the end, I had a completely different surprise than what I expected. So much so, I want to see it again to see the signs I missed. I did have a couple of problems with the post-apocyptic world the BOOK of ELI established, people did not seem to concerned with food, there were heavy set people and relatively healthy looking. Also some of the outfits seemed rather nice and stylish for a world with 30 years of no new clothing made. The ROAD really set the bar high for a terrible post-apocolyptic world. Other than that, the action was cool and just gory enough to be entertaining without being gross and Denzel does give off a believable bad ass vibe. Not a prefect film but a fun post-apocolyptic adventure.