Saturday, February 20, 2010

Black Dynamite rekalled...

BLACK DYNAMITE is a send up of 70's blacksploitation film and does so in such a convincing manner that one could dupe someone with no experience with these actors into thinking it was something from the 70's. Michael Jai White is perfect in the amalgamation of the cinematic blacksploitation ideal and he carries this rather quickly paced film throughout it's 90 minute runtime. As I watched I wondered how they would sustain the pacing and story for a feature length film about 30 minutes in but there was much story to be told. The film seem to be all over the place but follow it's own logic and things seem to make sense. BLACK DYNAMITE wasn't so much making fun of the blacksploitation genre as it seem to be a loving tribute with all the parts one would love about the genre. I was only taken out of this world on a couple of occasions that Tommy Davidson appeared and did his schtick but I am familiar with his stylings from his days on In Living Color and most of the other actors blended into their rolls. Arsenio Hall even makes an understated(for him) appearance. All in all an enjoyable film and an interesting study of how to craft a film in the blacksploitation genre.

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