Thursday, February 25, 2010

COP OUT rekalled...

COP OUT is the newest buddy cop film out the week, starring Tracy Morgan and Bruce Willis and directed by Kevin Smith. Kevin Smith directing a film is not new but him not writing the movie is new to him and his audience and it is not note worthy. I respect Kevin Smith for setting out and carving a niche out in Hollywood but this film seems to be him trying to play the Hollywood game. KS doesn't have a visual style that sets him apart or above his contemporaries and without his knack for dialog or interesting situations his talents are wasted here. While Tracy Morgan garners a few genuine laughs with is Jazz Comedy style Bruce Willis appears to smug his way through the film and really add nothing to a tired formula. I have heard Kevin Smith speak about his admiration of Bruce Willis and maybe his fandom got in the way of trying to get an entertaining performance out of him. Sean Williams Scott does a great job in spot duty with a truly odd performance in an otherwise by the book story. I feel a film with Tracy Morgan and Sean Williams Scott could be an entertaining one if given the chance to improve their way through from the time they had together on screen. But the story is so meaningless and tired that it only seems to get in the way of any laughs, trying too hard to have the trappings of an 80's buddy cop film even with the score by Harold Faltermeyer of Beverly Hills Cop fame. Weird how a film that had so many things I appreciate in it failed so miserably.


  1. cop out? more like 'cock up', right?

    and not in a weird homosexual way.

    next time do better kevin smith.

