Monday, September 27, 2010

CYRUS rekalled...

CYRUS is an independent film staring John C. Reilly, Marisa Tomei and the title character Cyrus played by Jonah Hill, although the film is named after his character it is about John C. Reilly's interaction with Cyrus and his mother. Jonah Hill gives a great subtle performance of a character with mother issues and John C. Reilly gives an equally great performance of a perpetually frustrated person that is beaten down by life. Once again Marisa Tomei gives a great performance, not bad for a lady whom many had considered washed up and undeserving an academy award, proving them wrong! The film opens up with the dreaded shaky cam and unnecessary zooming which had me doubting the movie from the outset but the film won me over. And odd little film with awkward interactions and great performances. This film shows that even though some people may be quite different from each other on the surface they may be more alike than they perceive.

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