Thursday, September 9, 2010

GET HIM TO THE GREEK rekalled...

GET HIM TO THE GREEK is a comedy staring Jonah Hill and Russell Brand in characters that originated in Forgetting Sarah Marshal. Being a fan of Jonah Hill and hearing that Russell Brand was a pretty big star in England I had expectations of laughing quite a bit and didn't laugh that much. The problem with this movie seemed to be it did't know what kind of comedy it wanted to be, vas-elating between a gross out hard R comedy and an absurdness of an Anchorman and never committing to either and coming up short in the potential for humor. Russell Brand's style of humor didn't connect with me either, Jonah Hill needed a better foil and their styles didn't mesh well to me. A lot of the bits seem to be attempts at humor but with no conclusion, like they hard the idea but then would just give up on it. Overall I was disappointed in the film and would rather have watched Superbad again.

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