Friday, December 31, 2010

Top movies of 2010 rekalled....

#1 Scott Pilgrim Vs The World: I have watched this movie more than any other on the list. It is an amazing directorial effort.

#2 The Fighter: Christian Bale's performance is Oscar worthy and the film is fun with triumph.

#3 The Town: Not an original story but Ben Affleck makes it one of the best of the bank heist genre.

#4 Macgruber: Funniest film of the year.

#5 The Social Network: Expertly crafted from all angles, screen play, direction, score and acting. This movie should have been terrible.

#6 Black Swan: I may not ever watch this again but it is an intense movie that sticks with you, really well done and has meaning.

#7 Exit Through The Gift Shop: Some may call this a documentary, I think it was another art piece by Banksy. Really awesome.

#8 The Book Of Eli: Harkens back to the great 80's style apocalyptic action films with a great twist ending.

#9 Black Dynamite: Mimics the blackploitation genre perfectly.

#10 Inception: A great film that makes you think and draws you in, heavy exposition makes repeated viewings slow.

#11 Waiting For Superman: A documentary that makes you worry for your kids future but also makes you want to do something about it.

#12 Ironman 2: A fun film with plenty of inside tidbits to a bigger universe, I liked it for that. Others thought it was too scattered. I didn't care.

#13 Toy Story 3: A visually stunning film, one of the best uses of 3D I have seen at the beggining of the movie.

#14 Joan Rivers: A Piece Of Work: A documentary with great insight into what makes Joan Rivers tic and a great comback story.

#15 Youth In Revolt: Michael Cera does a great job of being himself and not being himself.

#16 Kick-Ass: Big Daddy and Hit Girl make this movie awesome.

#17 The Cove: Type of documentary that will make you mad and want to try and do something about the problem.

#18 Cyrus: Does John C. Reilly give a bad performance?

#19 Let Me: A decent remake that doesn't surpass the original but is still interesting.

#20 Unstoppable: It is like the 90's made a 70's disaster film.

#21 The Crazies: 2 words: TIM OLYPHANT!

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