Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kick-Ass rekalled....

KICK-ASS, the newest comic-book based film to hit the screens brings a realistic bent for the genre. Or at least attempts to in a genre where people fly and come back to life. I had the pleasure/disservice to see a massive preview of this film at last summers San Diego Comic-Con and I thought it was a can't miss sure fire hit. I was slightly wrong that it was an enjoyable film but not the hit I thought it would be. I noticed the marketing of the film was pretty bad and seem to miss-represent what I had sensed the film to be from the preview. And since I saw a bunch of the best clips from the film and had to marinate on the film for about 8 months it didn't quite live up to what I had built it up to be but it was still good.

I am still amazed at the talent that Matthew Vaughn has in only his 3rd film, he is trying to push genres and bringing something unique. In my opinion he is 2 of 3 with Stardust being terrible. And the kid who plays Kick-Ass; Aaron Johnson does a great job of the nerdy kid with super hero ambitions, I did not know he was Australian until after the movie. His transition from kid to Kick-Ass is a believable secret identity not thinking it is him or him doing a ridiculous voice to cover up. Nicolas Cage as Big Daddy gives another mesmerizing performance where he is just chewing scenery and pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable and absurd with nice comical touches here and there. I am a bit of an Nicolas Cage fan/apologist though. If you haven't heard by now, Hit-Girl played by Chloe Moretz, stole the movie with all the best lines and awesome action. I really enjoyed he banter with Nicolas Cage and wanted to see more of that father/daughter/crime fighting relationship.

Overall I enjoyed the film, whilst not as good as I hoped, my expectations were wildly out of control. This movie does have some ridiculous moments and leaves the realm of reality but if you want reality go outside. If you want to see the super-hero genre pushed or just watch an entertaining spectacle then you can't miss with this.

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