Saturday, March 27, 2010

the WOLFMAN rekalled...

WOLFMAN, the troubled vanity project staring Benicio Del Toro directed by Joe Johnston came and went with a whimper. The history of this film is one of those hollywood legends of a film that changed it's director a month before shooting and continuos edits and changes to the composer just weeks before the movie open after being delayed numerous times with reshoots.

The story was weak and forgettable with some strong actors who were wasted in this film. I did enjoy the art direction of the film and it was directed in a manor that had some unique moments and style but falls apart on a whole. The biggest disappointment of the film was the acting of Benicio Del Toro, he was pedestrian and boring which is ironic since he was playing a famous actor in the film. Anthony Hopkins had some choice lines and delivered them with a polish that made him the bright point of the film. Emily Blunt's character and the relationship she has with Benicio is a forced one, one of the movie romances that has no reason for developing but is the deepest of loves that they would die for one another which was unbelievable. And the score was laughable even though veteran composer Danny Elfman was called back after being removed early in the process, he used a musical shorthand to make reference to gypsies and others to bring on my laughter.

Avoid this movie unless you are interested in how hollywood tries to save a film that is troubled from the start.

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