Saturday, January 30, 2010

BIG FAN rekalled...

BIG FAN, an independent dark comedy staring nerdy comic Patton Oswald is an interesting view of the world of the obsessed sports fan. The film's premise is an interesting angle, one fan meets his favorite player and he is assaulted by said player and the ramifications from this encounter. I enjoyed the beginning and the end but the middle 40 minutes or so is mind numbingly boring. Maybe that was to reinforce the mundane reality of the main characters life but I think that's why Hollywood invented the music montage. Over all a bit of a disappointment, Patton Oswald is a good comedian and does and admiral job of channelling a fan's passion as well as the other actors in the film but the story just fails the premise. Just drags too much in the middle. If seen, be sure you have the ability to fast forward through the middle, you will get the gist of what is happening.

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