Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sherlock Holmes rekalled...

SHERLOCK HOLMES is the new Guy Ritchie film staring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. This much needed updated retelling of the Sherlock Holmes seems to be quite fresh and new even with a character as old as Mr. Holmes is. The art direction of the film is great with it's used universe of the 1800's London with a slight steam punk feel with out being gimmicky, everything seemed to have texture and a grittiness to it that made it a feast for the eyes. The wardrobe was rather interesting too, staring the hobo-sheakness of Holmes' outfits. The chemistry between the Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr. was great and I want to see more of their interactions and adventures. Overall an interesting story some fine character work in a beautiful world fulfilled my expectations. There was one moment that was inexcusable, a romantic conversation broken up by a dog fart, that is a Robin Williams moment if I have ever seen one.

While I enjoyed the film, I did have trouble understanding the dialog at points with the accents and some mumbling. Also, this film is not for everyone, my friend who went gave a very brief review: that was effing terrible.

Up in the Air rekalled...

Up in the Air is the newest film from Juno and Thank You for Smoking director Jason Reitman who has a unique ability to give a glimpse into a section of life in an entertaining and insightful way. Up in the Air stars the ever popular George Clooney and his charm is perfect for the role of a traveling mercenary of the corporate world of downsizing. A great telling of the classic coming to grips with age and mortality story in a new to me setting. The pairing of Clooney with Vera Farmiga worked perfectly, they seemed to be on equal footing of charm and sex appeal. It is hard to catagerize this film; not a laugh out loud comedy nor a rom-com or straight up comedy, it seemed to be more of a slice of life. Well done and a real pleaser. I will look forward to more of Jason Reitman's work, he seems to understand how to make an entertaining film.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Avatar rekalled...

James Cameron's AVATAR, his sci-fi adventure many years is the making, is finally upon us. Dubbed the "game changer" by those involved and some of the early reviews by those in the industry this film had much to live up to and early an early negative backlash to the early shots and marketing. This film was pretty much exactly what I expected, a good action film with nice special effects but laughable at moments. Avatar is not a subtle film or original in story structure, I was not blown away or surprised at any moment like some wanted me to believe. I enjoyed the performances of most of the actors; Sam Worthington does an adequate job handling the action lead, Sigoureny Weaver adds a hard nosed humor and is probably the most believable character in the film and Zoe Saldana is the best of the motion captured characters. Stephan Lang was the most wooden and one-dimensional characters in the film and unintentionally funny with some of his dialog, not a strong or compelling villain. While the special effects, action and actors are strong points of the film the story is just weak which for a film with so much riding on it inexcusable. The points James Cameron tries to hammer home aren't subtle and while I agree with what he is saying it felt so spoon fed and trite that it comes off as corny and preachy. As for the 3-D, another gimmick I don't need, it just doesn't WOW me. I can't say I was let down by this film since my expectations were low but I won't say I was impressed. Just another film that should have been more.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Road rekalled....

The Road is the film adaptation of the Cormac McCarthy novel of the same name. Since I have not read the novel I can not delve into the accuracies of the translation but the film was a bleak one indeed. I had heard much before seeing the film about how bleak it was but I was prepared for worse I guess since I thought it ended on a happy tone, relatively. I enjoyed the film for as much as one can enjoy a film about human misery and man trying to remain human. A grey color pallet and dreary settings worked really well in setting the mood and reality of this film. It is a film that I keep thinking about and makes me wonders which is a great sign of a good film, entertaining and challenging. Just be prepared for the atypical hollywood film.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Bad Lieutenant rekalled...

Bad Lieutenant, the new Nicolas Cage staring vehicle directed by Werner Herzog, is not a remake or sequel to the Harvey Keitel in story or soul as it seems. Having not seen the original can't vouch for how closely they are but I have heard from others that the original is reprehensible. After seeing the red band trailer for this film I was hoping for a crazy acting Nicolas Cage film from start to beginning, I was let down. There are a few crazy/odd moments, such as the "soul dancing" segment but on large it seemed to follow the standard hollywood formula with a happy ending. Not a terrible film, just a big letdown. I expect more from Werner Herzog. The picture above seems like it is from a totally different film.

Monday, November 30, 2009

the FANTASTIC MR. FOX rekalled...

The Fantastic Mr. Fox is the new stop motion animated film from Wes Anderson. Based on a children's book by Roald Dahl, one which I have never read so I can't opine on the validity of the adaptation but I can vouch for the quality of the film. A unique piece of animation in this day and age of the pixar and dreamwork computer generated film, the Fantastic Mr. Fox does a great job of crafting a children's film into something an adult can enjoy. Odd, quirky and completely everything a Wes Anderson fan would want in one of his films, he seemed to have recaptured what I feel he had lost in his last couple of films. I came into this thinking I wouldn't like it after seeing a preview of it and it not quite clicking but I was won over by the charm with laughs of the film and the wonderful aesthetic and universe crafted in this story. I highly recommend it for any early Wes Anderson fan and anyone who enjoys children's films that remember the adult audience.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Serious Man Rekalled...

A SERIOUS MAN, the new Coen Brothers film about a Jewish professor and a glimpse into his world an his reaction to it as it comes crashing down around him. I am a longtime Coen brothers fan since I first saw Raising Arizona and I feel well versed in their offbeat style of humor and also count the Big Lebowski among my favorite films. This film is not their finest work, far from it. The film has quite a bit of oscar buzz around it for picture of the year and for me it isn't even the best film I have seen this week. There are some interesting characters that you wish had more time to flesh out their stories and the film is left with an unfinished feeling. I was more interested in the son's story and he is left hanging at the end of the film. A few scenes work and there is a bit of humor here and there but an underwhelming film as a whole.

On a side note, I was in a theater that was almost full an the audience was terrible. They seemed to easy to laugh at anything that happened and their laughs sounded fake or forced. It was like being in an audience of bad actors. I would be afraid to see a true comedy with these people, I am sure they would have an heart attack if that happened. And there was a lady who would question everything that happened in the film without giving it a chance to answer what just happened. I don't think she was too bright. These factors didn't help my opinion of the film I bet.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

2012 rekalled...

2012 is the new Roland Emmerick epic disaster film. Staring John Cusack as the everyman trying to save his family from the terrifying forces of nature this film is ever bit the "disaster porn" moniker that some have given it. Harkening back to the 70's disaster film heydays, this film shows not only the rampant destruction on a scale not seem before but the tried and true formula of mankind coming together to survive and at other times to make sacrifices. The scenes of people making their peace with one another and doing what ever it takes to help others is all part of the fun of the disaster film genre. The first action sequence in the film is a destructive chase scene through LA where the earth is the pursuer is well worth the price of admission. While not capturing the fun of Independence Day, it does surpass the destruction on an entertainment level and was more rewarding than the Day After Tomorrow both of which are Roland Emmerick films I enjoyed. I did enjoy this film and was thoroughly entertained, it had a couple laugh out loud moments for me which is a good thing. This movie is a long one clocking in at 158 minute, I heard complaints of the length but it didn't bother me, the movie flew by. The movie does have a President played by Danny Glover named THOMAS WILSON which is also awesome.

Friday, November 6, 2009

the BOX rekalled...

The Box is the new Richard Kelly film with James Marsden and Cameron Diaz. Trying to be a sci-fi story with moral implications this movie comes up way short on entertainment. A really boring film. A lot of slow zooms really drew out each scene unnecessarily, the film felt like a lot could have been trimmed from it. Except at the end the film seemed to be missing some scenes that might have been interesting, that might have just been my imagination trying to make this better. The score almost seemed to be mocking the story, like an added punchline to things that I don't think were supposed to be funny. The set design and the art direction were rather interesting, we are far enough removed from the 70's(of which the movie takes place) to enjoy revisiting the style without reliving it. Even though I loathed the movie I wouldn't mind have a replica of the button, it is a cool looking piece. Overall this seemed like a movie that could could have been told in a much shorter amount of time and was just an unsatisfying experience.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Paranormal Activity rekalled...

Paranormal Activity is a new horror film that has a few versions of itself floating around. I have seen what I assume is the original version with different editing and a different ending from the theatrical version. This is a reality styled movie shot through a hand held camera and operated by the characters in the film. What we are witness to seems to be a police editing of evidence for some sort of case. This reality feel accomplishes the horror feel with minimal special effects. Most of the tensions comes from anticipation from what could happen during scenes of nothing happening. Having read what the theatrical ending has(but not seeing it) I can only assume this is a more satisfying ending and more realistic and maintaining the reality of the world that the filmmakers created. I am not a horror film fan, not because I scare easily but I usually find them implausible and can't relate but this film was taut with tension and a pleasant surprise. I would recommend it for those looking for a good horror film with no gore and some frights.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are rekalled...

The picture says it all. Where the Wild Things Are is the new Spike Jonze film about the famous children's book. I was not a fan. It was a depressing morose film that was well crafted but could have been more. A very limited color pallet helps with the depressing nature of this film. The choice of voice talent was also suspect, took me out of the film. There will be an audience for this film but I am not it. Hipsters, I imagine, will love this film thinking it speaks to them. My tagline for the film would be: As Dreary and Grey as a North West Winter.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Zombieland rekalled...

ZOMBIELAND, a zombie movie with a sense a humor, was a disappointment. Laughs were few, zombie action even less and no sense of dread or urgency at any moment of the film. Trying to be a U.S. version of the Shaun of the Dead(I guess) and failing miserably. No moments of genuine angst with what would be a terrible thing for the characters and no dread or suspense for them. Just some flat characters. The movie felt like it was try to be a few things yet not fulling committing to any of them. And one main lead, Jesse Eisenberg evokes the Michael Cera school of acting yet doesn't come off as charming as him. Too bad for him or me, I don't think I will be able to see him in anything and not think I am getting a poor Michael Cera clone. So this movie failed in my eyes. Even the celebrity cameo couldn't save this, you should have to jump the shark in a movie.

the Surrogates rekalled...

the SURROGATES is the new Bruce Willis sci-fi actioneer. Set in a future where a vast majority of the populous uses robotic avatars to use in their daily life, these surrogates are either idealized forms of the user or completely different from the user and interact with each other socially and even use them in the work place. An obvious extension of our social networking internet users of today we see what could happen given some magical technological advances. A fairly straight forward sci-fi mystery and Bruce Willis delivers in this standard fair, this movie isn't breaking new ground and I could sense where the film was going from moment to moment but I enjoyed it. Not a mind blowing sci-fi spectacle but a comfort food like action film with the reliable Bruce Willis.

the Invention of Lying rekalled...

The INVENTION OF LYING is the new comedy vehicle for Ricky Gervais and is another bit of dry biting comedy. Instead of him playing his classic character of David Brent who too honestly says what he is thinking he plays a character in a would where everyone is too brutally honest and no one even knows what a lie is until he invents it. Even after he tries to explain "lying" no one can comprehend what it is and the story evolves from there. I found this an interesting comedy and had a good time with it. Not a broad faced comedy but more subtle and biting. If you miss the dry wit of Ricky Gervais then this will fill that void.

Extract rekalled...

EXTRACT, the newest comedy from MIke Judge, tries to recapture the magic that is Office Space and comes up a little short. Not a terrible film but in no way a cult classic that Office Space is. Even with the always funny Jason Bateman and the engaging and beautiful Mila Kunis the film just comes up a little flat and slightly unfinished. There are a few character roles that are nice, especially by Ben Affleck but there just seems to be something tying this film together into a great comedy. Over all a pleasant distraction but not a must see.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Inglourious Basterds rekalled...

Inglourious Basterds is the newest film from writer/director Quentin Tarantino and was eagerly awaited by myself and did not disappoint. A fictional tale of WW2 captures everything about QT's writing and directing style in a genre I didn't think he would ever tackle. He has such a unique style of writing and such a polished style of direction that this movie fits along nicely with his other films. An ambitious story that has layers and unique characters that draw you in. He is masterful with his ability to build suspense in a scene and to lead you down paths you never expected the story to go. I hadn't felt that much suspense in the cinema for a long time, I remember that feeling when I first saw Pulp Fiction. I was mesmerized by this film, just listening to the long scenes with superbly crafted dialog and enjoying every minute of it.

The story was completely different than what I expected. QT doesn't resurrect a fallen stars career but shows off new talent(to me) and blends the grindhouse genre with a great drama with subtle humor. His use of music once again is amazing, I only notice once where the music caused me pause; a David Bowie song really stuck out but grew into the scene after a few moments. My only complain MAY BE I wanted to see more of most of the characters since he created so many interesting characters and you want to see more of them but that would make this movie 8 hours long. While I watch that with some intermissions I think some people would complain about getting to much of a good thing.

This film is completely different from most movies today with the rapid story telling and non-stop action that becomes boring and an insult to the senses. Once again you can see a master at work.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra rekalled...

Where to begin? This film is terrible, gawd awful. It is so bad that it is hard to explain. There wasn't anything good about this film. I have been a G.I. Joe fan from my days as a kid collecting the 3 3/4 inch action figures, watching the cartoon and my favorite part; the comic book series put out by marvel. I know it is not classical literature but there is a huge history to draw from, great character designs and some cool ideas that are no where to be found in this film. There really is no reason to call this G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra. The characters in the film are so different from there counter parts from the comics and cartoons that you could have called it something else and no one would have noticed or cared.

The only thing that came close was the character of Snake-eyes, they had the look right even though they changed his back story. The lead actor, Channing Tatum, has no charisma and is devoid of anything of interest for an audience. His co-star, Marlon Wayans, on the other hand goes from pathetic to annoying which is a shame since he has shown promise in one film(Requiem of a Dream) and squanders his talents once again.

The film itself is just a terrible story that makes no sense and is a series of ridiculous action scenes. Stephen Sommers once again proves he is a terrible film maker and should never be allowed to make another film, he has yet to make anything resembling quality and if he has done anything that someone likes his recent work has tarnished any older work. The film was an origin story as well so there are plans for more which is terrible, they will be crap. He is crap.

I knew this movie was going to be terrible. I had always thought that it would be impossible to make a G.I. Joe movie but in this day of built in audiences and studios looking for trilogies it was it's time but I couldn't see how it could be done the right way. Once Stephen Sommers was announced as the director I knew it was headed down the wrong path and the trailers for the film were some of the worst trailers I have ever seen.

I could go on about each part of this film that missed the mark but this post would be longer than the screenplay for the film. Luckily I saw this film for free. No one should ever see this film let alone pay for it. This gives Transformers 2 company in the race for worst movie of the year.

Effing Terrible CRAP. I don't know how Stephen Sommers keeps getting work.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

District 9 rekalled...

DISTRICT 9 is a "low budget" sci-fi film from relatively new director Neill Blomkamp which is based on a short film he created a few years ago. Much hyped and ballyhooed by internet pundits especially with the blessing of producer Peter Jackson, to many in the internet world he can do no wrong.

Starting in a documentary style the shaky cam is utilized but not to the detriment of the film. The special effects are fairly amazing, blending with the scenery and actors seamlessly, that is how CG should be used, as an accent, not a spectacle. The film does a great job jumping from the documentary style to film story with out any problems, when the actors speak to the camera it is natural and when the story is moving forth it feels the same and you connect with the characters in the same way.

There are so many things about this movie that I did like yet the film was a bit of a let down. I wasn't that high on it to begin with, I had my suspicions. Sadly there were a couple of things that bothered me throughout. First off, the main character or "hero" was not a good person in any way, he is a bureaucrat who gladly treats the aliens like garbage. One scene he gladly "aborts" some aliens and jokes and laughs about it, that is the one scene that stuck with me and felt un-redeemable for a "hero" character. At least not by his actions later in the film, maybe it was for most people who loved this film but it really seemed to bother me. There just wasn't any good people in the film, all humans are played as genocidal bigots which even I think is a little too bleak. And I don't think that highly of most people but I do think that there are diamonds in the rough. The other thing is the dated subject matter that the film is trying to explore, apartheid doesn't seem to be a part of the world anymore. Maybe if this film was made in the late 70's or early 80's maybe this would have been a more powerful story but the parallels were very strong to me and felt like the film was a little late to be getting the message out.

Plus it seemed like a meaner version of Alien Nation, they could have pushed it more I thought. For me the film just didn't go far enough or show enough of a character change in the main character to make me satisfied. That is my biggest problem with the movie, it was good but could have been better. Worth seeing though, just lower your expectations from greatness or best sci-fi film of the decade like I have heard.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Goods rekalled...

THE GOODS is a comedy that I had reservations heading into and was pleasantly surprised by the film. First the film was a hard R and pulled no punches with the laughs, definitely no PC. The film was more absurd than most comedies, more in the anchorman vein but obviously not as good. But it had the laughs and you will recognize most of the actors from one place or another and it seemed to be a good mix of regular comedy ensemble players and fresh to this genre. Not sure if this film was actually really funny or the previews had made it so terrible that it just surpassed my low expectations. It was, how I say, A PLEASANT DISTRACTION.

Funny People Rekalled....

FUNNY PEOPLE is an interesting comedy from Judd Apatow and Adam Sandler. It is more an Apatow film than a Sandler film in a way but it also uses Sandler as a model for the main character, even using actual home video of Sandler and his antics. But the Apatow stamp and fits in nicely with his other films. Sanlder does a great job of going against what we expect of him, he is funny yet a jerk through out the film. Not the lovable retard he plays in half his films. Seth Rogen stands out as well with his subtle turn when he is sheepish and awkward, not the nerd bravado he normally exudes. Over all a funny film with insight into the world of comedy from the 2 spectrums, those who are beginning and those who are successful.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Hurt Locker rekalled...

HURT LOCKER is a new film by Kathryn Bigelow about a bomb disposal unit in Iraq. Kathryn Bigelow may have peaked with Point Break, an action film that is so stupid in concept that it shouldn't work but is a favorite of mine and I keep thinking she can capture the magic again. This film was fairly disappointing, I had only heard good things about it and my expectations were slightly elevated. First off the film is on shaky cam over load, there really is no need for shaky cam and only seems to work in the best of hands, this is not one of those. The film also seemed to be kind of pointless which could be a metaphor for the iraq war but I was bored through most of the film and not liking most of the characters, I found them rather uninteresting. I was ready to say this movie was terrible but the last moment of the film did save it from being terrible and just being bad. It really seemed to rap the whole story and character up nicely but I had to go through torture to get to it. I would not sit through this again.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

MOON rekalled...

MOON, a new indy sci-fi film that is not in wide release stars Sam Rockwell as the sole operator of a mining operation on the moon. I had high expectations for this film, I am a sci-fi fan and like Sam Rockwell, I was disappointed.The film is fairly slow and getting to the eventual conclusion could have happened much sooner. It was like a really long episode of the Outer Limits except the budget was higher. The sets were great and there are some interesting ideas but they aren't explored enough for me. A pretty forgettable film.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Transformers 2: RotF rekalled...

Terrible F^@King movie. Do not see it. I knew it was going to be bad but not as bad as it was. The first one was a fun bad movie for one viewing but this one was just a mess. The plot was terrible, character motivations were non-existent and as you may have heard it had some blatantly stereotypes displayed in robot form. There was nothing redeeming about this movie. People say Michael Bay is a master of action direction. I disagree. Having as much going on in a scene with no discerning eye about what is actually interesting is not a sign of a master. Alfonso Cuaron is a master, the action in Children of Men is artwork. Michael Bay is a hack.

What is truly terrible is that this movie is going to break records. The screening I was at, people actually clapped at the end. There is no hope for our species.

Monday, June 22, 2009

TYSON rekalled...

TYSON, the new documentary of former world heavyweight boxing champion as told by Mike Tyson. This is a story in his own words as he is on screen talking for probably 90% of the film. One may think this is could be boring or too one dimensional but I was captivated. Tyson is not classically intelligent but has a certain way with words that is part humorous and interesting, sometimes the way he misuses words makes sense. The way the film was presented with multiple angles and overlapping dialog with his humble and retrospective views are remarkably honest and sometime delusional. This man has gone through quite a bit and achieved heights and valleys that would damage any man, a truly interesting story. To me he was the last interesting story in boxing, he was bigger than the sport and still intrigues and this film allows for us to reminisce in the mans own words, a great documentary.

Sunshine Cleaning rekalled...

Sunshine Cleaning was seen at a theater pub on a slow Saturday evening and was disappointed. This film had a few things going for it, it had a vibe of Little Miss Sunshine to it in title and in the way the trailer was cut. It had a fun indie feel to it, a touching comedy. The film was light on comedy and just odd over all. Alan Arkin once again plays a unique Grand Father and I have enjoyed his work from when I first saw him in Catch 22 but was not in it a great deal. I have a weakness for Emily Blunt and she was the brightest part of the film for me but her resolution for the film was unfulfilling. The end of the film was the best part for the other characters but the movie was a meandering bore for the most part with few laughs. Will be forgotten quickly.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Land of the Lost rekalled...

Land of the Lost; the new staring vehicle for Will Ferrell, is an comedic re-imagining of a saturday morning live action sci-fi show aimed at kids and well known for it's far-out story line and shoddy special effects. This film was pretty much what I expected entertainment wise, it was a unbelievable story line that was simply put in motion to put Will Ferrell into ridiculous scenes so he can do his improv comic thing. He brings along for the ride his new comedic companion; Danny McBride. Danny is relatively new to the film world to audiences in general but he is well known in comedic circles for his movie The Foot Fist Way and his HBO series Eastbound and Out. He styling is no different from those other ventures, he is somewhat stupid and offensive but still funny and compelling. It seems Will Ferrell has taking quite a liking to him and invited him on this adventure and Will plays up to his strengths which are similar to McBride's and they riff of each other rather well. This film was a little more crude and vulgar verbally than I expected, I thought it would be more family friendly fair which it wasn't. While this film is no masterpiece it is a fun little distraction, I enjoy the Will Ferrell schtick which might be wearing out with audiences. That is the only explanation that I can give for people not liking this film after liking his other films, I think the same thing happened to Jim Carrey, audience fatigue. If you want some cheap laughs from a barely sci-fi comedy then this would be the one for you.

Monday, June 1, 2009

the Hangover rekalled...

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Drag Me To Hell rekalled...

DRAG ME TO HELL is the newest from famed horror film director Sam Raimi, who is better known for his Spideman films. This is a film that harkens back to his horror roots and his love of nostalgic cinema, this is rather apparent in the opening moments when the classic Universal logo is displayed instead of the modern CG one used in most Universal films. DMTH is an assault to the senses, the visceral sounds are done rather well and the imagery is rather creepy and when not creepy downright disgusting. The star, Alison Lohman does a competent job of playing a average person but not quite as charismatic or sympathetic as you would want in a lead role such as this. I felt that someone with a little more personality may have brought a little more to the film but she is not a hindrance even with her moments of Drew Berrymoore-ness. I am just more accustom to a Bruce Campbell-type presence in a Raimi film. The film starts out at a pretty good pace but looses a little momentum in the second half. I am not much of a horror fan but I did enjoy it for the most part. Not a must see by any means but a pleasant distraction if you are looking for some thrills and gore.

UP rekalled...

UP is the latest in the pantheon of good films from Pixar. They have yet to fail me, they only have varying degrees of good from what I have seen. Granted I have missed Cars and Ratatouille, I still think highly of their films. The voice actors are great in this and has a very inventive concept and goes in a direction you don't expect. While not as good as Wall-E or my favorite the Incredibles it is still good. It seems to be a more person story and a step back from the epic film that Wall-E was which isn't a bad thing, just different. Great for the whole family.

Termiantor Salvation rekalled...

TERMINATOR SALVATION has been terminated. No salvation will be allowed, a complete failure. The film works as an action film somewhat but not in comparison to what the previous films had established. I was pretty excited to see the film, I enjoy the Terminator universe and had heard what McG the director and the actors were saying prior to the film. I thought they understood what the property was about but talking a good game and performing are 2 distinct things. The story is a mess and the characters are un-interesting. Numerous characters with no real arc or motivation. The art direction of this world was a step backward as well, the world set up in the James Cameron films was a dismal future yet the machines were a glistening chrome. What we get is a human resistance that doesn't seem in that bad of shape and robots that look like giant pieces of plastic. What might be the most frustrating thing about the movie is that you could tell there could have been a good or great film in there with a few daring choices but we get a vanilla mess. The one bright spot for me was the actor Anton Yelchin's performance of Kyle Reece, while not looking the part at all he did the mannerisms and put in a solid performance in the moments he has. The other main actors weren't bad just uninteresting. Other than that avoid at all costs, your future may depend on it.

Star Trek rekalled...

STAR TREK has been saved. Go see it. It is great. This years IRON MAN if you will. Not a perfect film but a fun one. A character driven science fiction film that people have been craving for years. The original Star Trek series had it and that was lost on it's long trek through television and movies. J.J. Abrams cements himself as a truly gifted story teller with this endeavor, I thought of him only having that touch with TV shows like LOST and FRINGE but pulls it off on the big screen. His previous films of Cloverfield and MI:3 were more gimmicky than great films but this could be his break out film, I expect much more from him in the future. The actors chosen to reprise the roles that most know were not given an easy task an excel for the most part. There are no weak links, they don't do imitations but homages, they grasped what made the characters great and added to them their own flavor. There are some instances where the story takes an unbelievable jump with coincidence but way the story is told makes up for it. One of my favorites of the year so far.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Celebrity Apprentice S2.8 rekalled...

Celebrity Apprentice is a reality show where teams of celebrities compete at various business challenges for charity and judged by none other than Donald Trump. I am a fan of the Apprentice because I can get insight into the business world and a lot of the tasks involve marketing to which I am a part of the industry. Also I love the way Trump brands himself, TRUMP; A Trump Organization. The Celebrity edition is interesting because you can see which people are truly smart business people and which others are only talented in their specific area of celebrity, last night was a great example of this and a great episode.

The celebs were tasked to make a 4 page AD for deodorant using a celebrity basketball player, I design ads so this peaked my curiosity. The main excitement of the episode started when Jesse James called out Clint Black for his poor ad design direction for which Jesse was right and wrong. He was correct in say the ads were ugly and poorly produced but he didn't realize that it would be judged by the deodorant executives and they love it when you have their product huge and a lot of copy no matter how ugly. I have learned this the hard way. Jesse went on a rant about how Clint was a an idiot and was going to lose but the other team produced and uglier ad and they were saved from the boardroom.

In the boardroom we were treated to the playboy playmate, Brande Roderick defend her position of Project Manager of the losing team which she came out timid but fought back. Poker player Anne Duke, whom appears to be the strongest contestant, didn't have to defend herself too much except for some personal attacks that had nothing to do with her performance. Finally Melissa Rivers(whose celebrity solely stems from being Joan RIvers child) opened her mouth and she sank herself. Such a terrible human being. She was catty, childish and really insecure for the whole series and it really came through in the last minutes of the show. Thinking that the women were out to get her she stated her opinions on the matter early and caused waves on their task. The main problem with their task was the execution of the ad and she was supposed to be partially responsible for the layout and photography which was terrible and that alone could have fallen on the project manager but she wanted to make it personal which did her in.

Her and Joan Rivers went crazy after she was fired and both left the show without being interviewed. Not classy women, I had a good opinion of Joan Rivers before the show but now I think she is mean. As for Melissa I had no opinion before but now I think she doesn't deserve any success in her professional life, anything she has accomplished must be due to her mother's influence and rants. She seems to hate any woman who is more attractive than her and that is a huge problem since that happens to be 99% of all women. Plus she seems to think she has to prove that she is her own person, as not to think that her mother pulls strings for her, but she fails by always having her mother stick up for her even when she is in the wrong. I am glad to be rid of both of them. Joan did seem to have a sweet side but if you got on her bad side it was terrible to see. Melissa was all around horrible and I would not have any faith in her in any business capacity or in life in general. Most people get over high school inadequacies.

All in all a great episode, I am looking forward to the final episodes. I think it will come down to Jesse James and Anne Duke. Both seem to have a great business sense with different abilities with people. Anne is the strong willed person who uses her poker skills to manipulate people and Jesse is the stoic type who can be silent then make a great point when needed and has excellent business sense. I think Anne will win but will be pulling for Jesse, I think he may have a card up his sleeve on the river...

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Anvil, the story of Anvil is a documentary about a band that never achieved the popularity that some felt they deserved and the continuing struggle for the band to achieve that recognition. The film was very American Film-esque with the underdog creative with unbridled optimism and his drive to see his vision through. Experiencing the tour of an aging heavy metal band you learn that you have to love the music to put yourself through the perils of such a journey. Many comedic moments occur with interactions of the 2 band elder statesmen with restrained love for one another that bursts through when angry and odd statements are said, so very metal. And the fanny packs run rampant. Even if you are not a fan of heavy metal this is just a fun film to see with sympathetic characters and a hope filled story.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Observed, Reported and Rekalled....

Observe and Report is the new star vehicle for Seth Rogen and it does him well. Even if the box office receipts don't pan out, I know it has been out a couple weeks and it is not performing well. This film is a dark comedy and character study of a Mall Security guard with ambition. This film reminds me of Bad Santa in style of comedy, where there are few to no likable characters but entertaining none the less. I have not seen Paul Bart Mall Cop and I believe a lot of people may confuse the 2, I can assume that these 2 films are vastly different. O&R goes in directions that I didn't see coming story wise but it seem to make sense in the world they created. If you can laugh at uncomfortable situations and don't recoil at male nudity then this is a film for you. Not much else to say but this film is not for the weak of humor, it is a hard R film, enjoy.

On a side note, I saw a youtube video of Seth Rogen on stage doing comedy when he was 13. I think he is more immature now than he was but you can see this guy has a well groomed understanding of comedy.

UPDATE: Saw the film again with a friend whom I wasn't sure if he would like it or not but I suggested it. He loved it. I laughed the second time through so this is the goods. Also I really noticed how the music selection was great and really added an element to the film instead of hurting like in Watchmen. Support this film please, I want more like this.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I Love You, Man rekalled...

I LOVE YOU MAN, the new Paul Rudd comedy was seen by me recently, twice actually. Not because I loved it that much but because I found it entertaining and was with people who hadn't seen it and I wanted to hang out with them. Anywho, the film was funny and follows the formula of the recent Apatow-style comedies. Paul Rudd gives a restrained performance when compared to some of his other comedies, although on the second viewing I did really notice his ability to personify awkwardness that has been popularized by the Office. There is one laugh out loud moment in the film with many other cringe inducing scenes just from a social awkwardness point of view. The films other star Jason Segel gives a nice performance but not his funniest, his role seems to be setting up awkwardness. Andy Sandberg and Jon Favreau also give memorable performances breaking typecast. All in all a solid comedy, definitely a renter but not one you need to rush out and see.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Knowing rekalled...

KNOWING, the newest star vehicle for Nicolas Cage is the latest film to disappoint from the superstar actor. While I am a fan of Nicolas Cage due to a few films he does take part in a lot of crap films, I am always hoping to be surprised by another Adaptation or Raising Arizona. Not the case this time out. Alex Proyas has the reputation as a visionary sci-fi director but I have yet to be impressed and this really knocks his judgement in my mind. This film has trouble balancing itself on the line of science fiction or religious moral story and fails at both. There are a couple of cool disaster scenes in the film that really come across as intense in the theater with the sound effects turned up to 11 but that is about the only redeeming thing I can mention about the film. Once again Nicolas Cage gives us his unique style for the character he portrays but the story does nothing but make one depressed at most. I was going right along with this story of impending doom until the "jumped the shark" moment, I just saw it as an uninteresting way of moving the plot along. It was just ridiculous and a let down, the story seemed to have a little more promise. Not one for the kids either, at the screening I was at someone actually brought some kids who looked to be about 9 0r 10 and they seemed rather disturbed by the ending.

Another thing is this is a very bland cast and story. Everyone one in the film is white and the special people who know what is going on are all blonde and rather aryan looking. I don't know if this is an Mormon allegory(not familiar with their story) or just what racist religious people believe will happen and their God will save the white people. I wasn't sure if this movie was meant to be racist but it appears to be that way. The only minority I remember seeing was a janitor with no speaking roll. Seems like a film from the 50's before people knew better with how diverse the story and cast were.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

MILK rekall...

Part 2 of 2 political movies seen.

Milk is another "based on a true story" film based in the world of politics while focusing on one man's fight for the rights of an oppressed minority. Harvey Milk is a man at the beginning of the film whom you would not expect to be at the end of the film. Sean Penn melts into the role that I didn't expect from someone who starred in "I Am Sam" for which I have held against him for a while, a great and daring performance. James Franco also has a great subdued performance in the film and doesn't play up to any stereotypical actions, not much can be said for the mustache though. After about 3/4 of an "alright" film the last act really escalates the film into "really great" film and can be quite moving. Harvey Milk is not portrayed as perfect which makes his story more relatable but his charm and passion make his story interesting. Did I mention the film is a little gay? Maybe that is something I noticed, I can pick up on subtleties.

Frost/Nixon rekalled...

Part 1 of 2 political films seen.

Frost/Nixon is a period film about a disgraced President and his battle to tell the story he wants with a flashy television broadcaster. I had not heard of this story or the play it was based on before seeing this film and it was really fascinating. David Frost is an engaging personality who always has confidence and charm even when facing trying times and is the opposite of Richard Nixon who is interesting like a beautiful car wreck. I was worried that I would not be able to suspend disbelief of Frank Langella playing the iconic President but I was fully drawn in within the first few minutes, a great feat without resorting to a characture. Michael Sheen comes out of nowhere and creates a performance of someone I had no knowledge of and made him Nixon's equal. The supporting cast is great as well, especially the team Frost assembles. And the period setting feels accurate without making fun of the 70's, as subtle as you can make the 70's. Probably the best Ron Howard film I have seen and he has quite a few films I like. I can't think of anything that I disliked or questioned about this film, not sure if it was factual but made a damn fine film.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Watchmen rekalled...

FORMAT: At the theater on the big screen.

Watchmen, the most heralded Graphic Novel in the comics medium, has finally made it to the big screen and it was a valiant effort. Not a perfect film but it is a good movie, about what I expected after the onslaught of review love this film was getting. I didn't think it could live up to the hype that I had heard which is the best superhero film ever. I still prefer the Dark Knight, Iron Man and first 2 Spiderman films but that is said not to disrespect but to show where it could rank.

First off I will name the problems I had with the film.

Number 1, the wigs used and make-up to represent older people where not the greatest, almost gave it a campiness that was distracting. After seeing a film like Benjamin Button and the amazing aging make up done in it the bar has been raised pretty high. Plus is it so hard to have an actor or actress grow hair or maybe spend an extra half hour with the hair stylist to make it look natural?

Number 2 would have to be the choices of music for the film, a lot of well know period music that also seemed to be a punch line to a joke most of the time. It works in a couple of scenes but it felt like a crutch or shortcut to try an evoke a certain emotion for many other parts of the film. In all the great superhero films a unique score has made them more than a music video and elevated the emotional resonance of the scenes.

What worked? Everything else.

The cast was great, while not what I had in mind when casting the film myself but all great choices. Rorschach was played perfectly after my initial doubts from the trailers and was the understated star of the film. Dr. Manhattan was more subtle than I could have hoped for. Night Owl II was just the right amount normalcy and Silk Specter II was as sexy as all get out. The comedian showed a certain charm that made you believe that people could tolerate his assholeness. The only character that seemed to get a little shortchanged was Ozymandias but that might have been I found his character more interesting a just wanted more, it didn't take away from the film.

The action scenes were a lot more than I was expecting which I should have expected more since Zack Snyder's other 2 films are great auctioneers. He does use slow motion more than most but when and how he uses it really works for this film. This film has a style from beginning to end that is enjoyable. It was even a little more gory and sexy than I thought it would be even though it is an R rated film. Definitely not a kids film.

There are changes from the graphic novel that I am totally on board with, most for time constraints and other for focusing on major characters instead of digressions onto minor characters. There is one major change that will divide the nerd world but I like the change, I think it makes more sense than the original idea. I had explained this change to some people who hadn't read the graphic novel and they thought the original idea was not good. I know my explanation didn't give it the justice of reading the original but I don't think it still would have resonated with them as well either.

All in all a good film, it isn't perfect but there is a lot more than I like than I dislike with the film. If the music had been predominately a score instead of placed popular music it would have made it to the next level for me. Definitely a worthy ride if you are a fan of the superhero genre and are looking for an adult version of that world, it just isn't the end all of superhero films.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


So, next week I shall be watching Watchmen. For those who don't know, this movie is based on a graphic novel of much renown from the 80's – a real down and dirty adult version of a super hero world gone awry. I just recently read the stories, relatively, within a couple of years and it is among the best comics I have read. Not my favorite but worth the read. Now the reviews have started to pour out of the interwebs of the film and I am afraid that it can not live up to the hype. The intergeeks seem to love it and say is as close to the books as a film can get, I just hope it isn't another Lord of the Ring situation. I hate those movies, very overrated IMHO but I like Zack Snyder's other films and count his Dawn of the Dead remake among my favorite films. Soon I shall be posting my rekall of the film so I thought I would get my preconceived ideas here as a nice precursor.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Vantage Point rekalled and rekalled and rekalled...

Vantage Point is a recent political action film staring Dennis Quaid and Jack from Lost. This film is told in a style of retelling the events of a political assassination as see from many different people. There are a few misdirects and a couple of times I felt that the characters were doing something that didn't make sense but was proved wrong later when seeing more of the details. I was a little hesitant of this form of story telling and was pleasantly surprised. This turned into a nice action film, the car chase was fun and had a good, laugh out loud moment. But a solid actionier after a little build up, I recommend for those looking for a action/thriller. A good time.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Name is Bruce rekalled...

My Name is Bruce is a fictional "inside hollywood" film staring B film icon Bruce Campbell who lampoons his own current career and every one in he associates with. Directed by Mr. Campbell himself and written by Mark Verheiden(whose geek cred is quite substantial), the film is not quite as good as it could have been even with my low expectations. Mr. Campbell not only skewers himself but the fans that worship everything he does as well as how hollywood works. There have been better films that take on the machine that is hollywood and better films that use actors playing a version of themselves. I have been a fan of Bruce Campbell's work since I saw Evil Dead 2 many moons ago but his star is losing it's luster for me. I am not interested in stories of actors who resent the fame that they have gained and blame others for career short comings. Maybe I would be more interested if it was done in a quality manner but this is not that film. This film will probably fill the most adamant Bruce Campbell fan with it's many inside jokes and references but any other film fan will feel disappointed.

Monday, February 16, 2009

First Blood rekalled...

I just finished a classic for me, First Blood. It is a movie that really resonated with me for a few reasons on this most current viewing. As a child I was a huge fan of the war movie genre and I had relatives who were in the military so I remember wanting to see this film badly, it was not what I expected. Granted the film has the "action star" but this is before the 80's boom of action hero and felt like it was coming out of the 70's anti-hero mold. Sylvester Stallone does a magnificent job giving John Rambo the warrior with a troubled past as sympathetic veneer. The one character trait I noticed on this go around was when Rambo is looking for something and the item he has in his hands doesn't fit the bill he violently discards it, a nice consistent touch. This film, I believe, is responsible for some of the views I hold today, or at least reinforced them. 1) War can scar more deeply than a bullet or blade sometimes, that is why I am not a fan of wars in the real world, in film that is another matter. 2) Cops are dicks. 3) Rambo's knife is cool. 4) People around the country think the whole NW looks like town featured in the film. A myth I try to dispel. Seattle and Portland aren't like this. Once again I have selected a classic that I recommend, one of Stallone's best.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Band of Brothers rekalled...

Band of Brothers, the HBO WW2 series, is a great piece of television film making. Giving us a the voices of people who were actually there followed up with a gripping reenactment that shows people what sacrifices some people made while in war and the mentality it takes to make it through one of life's most unforgiving tests. I have relatives who have gone through wars and I have always wanted to know what happened to them but didn't dare ask them to relive those memories. This is one of the best pieces about war that I have been witness too, I hold it in rather high regard. I have actually seen this series a few times now which is quite the commitment since there are 10 episodes that are about an hour each and I still enjoy it. Can't recommend it enough for fans of war films that have heart or historical buffs. The crowning point of the series is to see the actual people named at the end of the series who the characters were based on, amazing to see what they are like when the series was released.

Helvetica rekalled...

The documentary film, Helvetica, is about the history and use of the typeface used as the name of the film. I found this film fascinating since I work with typefaces in my line of work and helvetica is a mainstay of my business. It has it's supporters, lovers, detractors and haters as displayed in this film. I thought they did a great job of showing many different viewpoints and fleshing out the history of helvetica was really interesting. I think this film is not only great for the professional designer but also the layman who doesn't understand why people care about type, you get a glimpse into the minds of passionate designers on both sides of the Helvetica debate and can make you look smart to others when conversating at a party. I highly recommend Helvetica as a film and a typeface.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Push rekalled...

Tonight I saw a preview showing of PUSH, a film about superheroes in the real world is what they were going for I believe. This film stared Chris Evans who was also the super powered Human Torch so he is not new to the super powered genre. He was not as charismatic as he was in Fantastic Four which is sad since you can tell this guy has personality but keeps finding terrible projects to be in. The film had an interesting visual style, the art direction of the scenes were interesting with many patterns and textures on almost every surface. The movie had many other problems, the pacing was slow for most of the film, the dialog was uninspired and the story was nothing new, actually retreading old X-Men comics themes. This movie seemed to be what a superhero film would have been if the grunge movement of the early nineties had been the director. My friend who fell asleep during the film had a great response to my question of how much of the film he saw-"too much".

Monday, February 2, 2009

TRON rekalled...

I saw the classic TRON over the weekend at a theater pub whilst eating tater tots and it is still a classic. One of the earliest films to use CG graphics if not the first. Now the graphics are not what one expects from CG today but the style of the graphics totally fits the world created here and the aesthetic of the computer world achieved with the filters is totally unique. The film straddles the fine line of a children's film and a sci-fi adventure, no cursing or extreme violence but one any age could enjoy. It does drag a little bit in the middle of the film but I still thoroughly enjoy this film after many viewings throughout the years. A must see for anyone who considers themselves a sci-fi fan.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

NEXT rekalled...

I just finished watching NEXT with Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Biel and Julianne Moore. Nicolas Cage is a magician that can see 2 minutes into the future however the movie doesn't even follow it's own rules which is the movies major flaw. It sets up a world of possibilities but quickly regresses into a boring plot and flat characters. I was fairly disappointed with it, for some reason I do look forward to Nicolas Cage films even though he has a terrible track record. I guess his few successes have really stuck with me. But man, this movie is not good. I kept the faith until the 3/4 mark then I knew I had misplaced my faith. With a pedigree of an academy award winner(Cage), a multiple nominee(Moore), an academy award winning body(Biel) and an adaptation of a Philip K Dick novel one would at least expect something special but all those factors could not save this sci-fi failure.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Outlander rekalled...

Outlander, a simple film for a simple time. Your classic mysterious stranger comes to save the day movie. Classic if that stranger is a spaceman and the people needing saving are vikings from an alien monster. Going into this film I could help thinking of Pathfinder(a viking/indian film) which was horrible and Outlander easily surpassed Pathfinder in likability. As I watched the film I did think "why are they doing this?" and "that wouldn't happen" but I did still have fun with it. It has some over the top action and a telegraphed story, nothing ever really surprises you because you have seen the story with different characters and places in many other movies. But a sci-fi viking film is a first for me and that was appreciated, Jim Caviezel was a solid choice as hero spaceman looking to make amends for past mistakes. A pleasant diversion if you got nothing to do but don't go out of your way for it.

Mad Men rekalled...

Mad Men, a television show set in the world of early 60's advertising, is a gripping drama about people trying to survive in a world that isn't what the early sixties is remembered for. I had a vested interest in the show at first because I work in the advertising field and have done many ad pitches to clients and deal with people in the industry. What I found was something entirely different; a deep show with intriguing characters dealing with a society in flux. The main character of Don Draper is a man of magnetism, all the women want him and the men will follow him anywhere. He has a mysterious side but the power he demands is really amazing and even though he does selfish things you are still drawn in. There are other characters that have interesting subplots but Don Draper's life is truly dramatic. This is the type of show that doesn't slap you in the face with the message it is trying to send, characters motives are not plainly explained, it is a challenge to follow that I enjoy. The time period is as important character as the cast; the social upheaval that the USA is experiencing at this time, the interior design, the clothing, the infancy of advertising as we know it today. And not to mention the women of Mad Men would be a huge misstep as well; I am a Joan Holloway fan myself.

I had seen a few episodes of this in it's original broadcast run and recommend watching the season in big chunks(as with any show with intricate ongoing story lines) I filled in all the gaps and got a real rhythm for how the stories flowed. The blu-ray addition has some bonuses that makes having a blu-ray player almost worth it, crisp picture so you can see the world of the 60's in detail and a short documentary on the world of advertising of the period which I found fascinating. One scene that stands out to me in the series is a closing pitch that Don Draper makes to kodak in the final episode, the passion I wish to emulate in a pitch someday. A series truly worthy of watching if you want to be challenged in your viewing, not for people who are not a fan of "talkies".