Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Goods rekalled...

THE GOODS is a comedy that I had reservations heading into and was pleasantly surprised by the film. First the film was a hard R and pulled no punches with the laughs, definitely no PC. The film was more absurd than most comedies, more in the anchorman vein but obviously not as good. But it had the laughs and you will recognize most of the actors from one place or another and it seemed to be a good mix of regular comedy ensemble players and fresh to this genre. Not sure if this film was actually really funny or the previews had made it so terrible that it just surpassed my low expectations. It was, how I say, A PLEASANT DISTRACTION.


  1. It is comedy film ..really happy to see..i like comedy films..could i get more online...

    cathrin disusa
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  2. ha ha. cathrin you dumb son of a bitch! of course you can get more online! google "comedy", you will find much to laugh about.

    in this world, comedy "IS" cash. so your link is completely appropriate!
