Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Knowing rekalled...

KNOWING, the newest star vehicle for Nicolas Cage is the latest film to disappoint from the superstar actor. While I am a fan of Nicolas Cage due to a few films he does take part in a lot of crap films, I am always hoping to be surprised by another Adaptation or Raising Arizona. Not the case this time out. Alex Proyas has the reputation as a visionary sci-fi director but I have yet to be impressed and this really knocks his judgement in my mind. This film has trouble balancing itself on the line of science fiction or religious moral story and fails at both. There are a couple of cool disaster scenes in the film that really come across as intense in the theater with the sound effects turned up to 11 but that is about the only redeeming thing I can mention about the film. Once again Nicolas Cage gives us his unique style for the character he portrays but the story does nothing but make one depressed at most. I was going right along with this story of impending doom until the "jumped the shark" moment, I just saw it as an uninteresting way of moving the plot along. It was just ridiculous and a let down, the story seemed to have a little more promise. Not one for the kids either, at the screening I was at someone actually brought some kids who looked to be about 9 0r 10 and they seemed rather disturbed by the ending.

Another thing is this is a very bland cast and story. Everyone one in the film is white and the special people who know what is going on are all blonde and rather aryan looking. I don't know if this is an Mormon allegory(not familiar with their story) or just what racist religious people believe will happen and their God will save the white people. I wasn't sure if this movie was meant to be racist but it appears to be that way. The only minority I remember seeing was a janitor with no speaking roll. Seems like a film from the 50's before people knew better with how diverse the story and cast were.

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