TERMINATOR SALVATION has been terminated. No salvation will be allowed, a complete failure. The film works as an action film somewhat but not in comparison to what the previous films had established. I was pretty excited to see the film, I enjoy the Terminator universe and had heard what McG the director and the actors were saying prior to the film. I thought they understood what the property was about but talking a good game and performing are 2 distinct things. The story is a mess and the characters are un-interesting. Numerous characters with no real arc or motivation. The art direction of this world was a step backward as well, the world set up in the James Cameron films was a dismal future yet the machines were a glistening chrome. What we get is a human resistance that doesn't seem in that bad of shape and robots that look like giant pieces of plastic. What might be the most frustrating thing about the movie is that you could tell there could have been a good or great film in there with a few daring choices but we get a vanilla mess. The one bright spot for me was the actor Anton Yelchin's performance of Kyle Reece, while not looking the part at all he did the mannerisms and put in a solid performance in the moments he has. The other main actors weren't bad just uninteresting. Other than that avoid at all costs, your future may depend on it.
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