Monday, June 22, 2009

TYSON rekalled...

TYSON, the new documentary of former world heavyweight boxing champion as told by Mike Tyson. This is a story in his own words as he is on screen talking for probably 90% of the film. One may think this is could be boring or too one dimensional but I was captivated. Tyson is not classically intelligent but has a certain way with words that is part humorous and interesting, sometimes the way he misuses words makes sense. The way the film was presented with multiple angles and overlapping dialog with his humble and retrospective views are remarkably honest and sometime delusional. This man has gone through quite a bit and achieved heights and valleys that would damage any man, a truly interesting story. To me he was the last interesting story in boxing, he was bigger than the sport and still intrigues and this film allows for us to reminisce in the mans own words, a great documentary.

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