Monday, June 22, 2009

Sunshine Cleaning rekalled...

Sunshine Cleaning was seen at a theater pub on a slow Saturday evening and was disappointed. This film had a few things going for it, it had a vibe of Little Miss Sunshine to it in title and in the way the trailer was cut. It had a fun indie feel to it, a touching comedy. The film was light on comedy and just odd over all. Alan Arkin once again plays a unique Grand Father and I have enjoyed his work from when I first saw him in Catch 22 but was not in it a great deal. I have a weakness for Emily Blunt and she was the brightest part of the film for me but her resolution for the film was unfulfilling. The end of the film was the best part for the other characters but the movie was a meandering bore for the most part with few laughs. Will be forgotten quickly.

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