Monday, July 20, 2009

Hurt Locker rekalled...

HURT LOCKER is a new film by Kathryn Bigelow about a bomb disposal unit in Iraq. Kathryn Bigelow may have peaked with Point Break, an action film that is so stupid in concept that it shouldn't work but is a favorite of mine and I keep thinking she can capture the magic again. This film was fairly disappointing, I had only heard good things about it and my expectations were slightly elevated. First off the film is on shaky cam over load, there really is no need for shaky cam and only seems to work in the best of hands, this is not one of those. The film also seemed to be kind of pointless which could be a metaphor for the iraq war but I was bored through most of the film and not liking most of the characters, I found them rather uninteresting. I was ready to say this movie was terrible but the last moment of the film did save it from being terrible and just being bad. It really seemed to rap the whole story and character up nicely but I had to go through torture to get to it. I would not sit through this again.

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