Sunday, August 23, 2009

Inglourious Basterds rekalled...

Inglourious Basterds is the newest film from writer/director Quentin Tarantino and was eagerly awaited by myself and did not disappoint. A fictional tale of WW2 captures everything about QT's writing and directing style in a genre I didn't think he would ever tackle. He has such a unique style of writing and such a polished style of direction that this movie fits along nicely with his other films. An ambitious story that has layers and unique characters that draw you in. He is masterful with his ability to build suspense in a scene and to lead you down paths you never expected the story to go. I hadn't felt that much suspense in the cinema for a long time, I remember that feeling when I first saw Pulp Fiction. I was mesmerized by this film, just listening to the long scenes with superbly crafted dialog and enjoying every minute of it.

The story was completely different than what I expected. QT doesn't resurrect a fallen stars career but shows off new talent(to me) and blends the grindhouse genre with a great drama with subtle humor. His use of music once again is amazing, I only notice once where the music caused me pause; a David Bowie song really stuck out but grew into the scene after a few moments. My only complain MAY BE I wanted to see more of most of the characters since he created so many interesting characters and you want to see more of them but that would make this movie 8 hours long. While I watch that with some intermissions I think some people would complain about getting to much of a good thing.

This film is completely different from most movies today with the rapid story telling and non-stop action that becomes boring and an insult to the senses. Once again you can see a master at work.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra rekalled...

Where to begin? This film is terrible, gawd awful. It is so bad that it is hard to explain. There wasn't anything good about this film. I have been a G.I. Joe fan from my days as a kid collecting the 3 3/4 inch action figures, watching the cartoon and my favorite part; the comic book series put out by marvel. I know it is not classical literature but there is a huge history to draw from, great character designs and some cool ideas that are no where to be found in this film. There really is no reason to call this G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra. The characters in the film are so different from there counter parts from the comics and cartoons that you could have called it something else and no one would have noticed or cared.

The only thing that came close was the character of Snake-eyes, they had the look right even though they changed his back story. The lead actor, Channing Tatum, has no charisma and is devoid of anything of interest for an audience. His co-star, Marlon Wayans, on the other hand goes from pathetic to annoying which is a shame since he has shown promise in one film(Requiem of a Dream) and squanders his talents once again.

The film itself is just a terrible story that makes no sense and is a series of ridiculous action scenes. Stephen Sommers once again proves he is a terrible film maker and should never be allowed to make another film, he has yet to make anything resembling quality and if he has done anything that someone likes his recent work has tarnished any older work. The film was an origin story as well so there are plans for more which is terrible, they will be crap. He is crap.

I knew this movie was going to be terrible. I had always thought that it would be impossible to make a G.I. Joe movie but in this day of built in audiences and studios looking for trilogies it was it's time but I couldn't see how it could be done the right way. Once Stephen Sommers was announced as the director I knew it was headed down the wrong path and the trailers for the film were some of the worst trailers I have ever seen.

I could go on about each part of this film that missed the mark but this post would be longer than the screenplay for the film. Luckily I saw this film for free. No one should ever see this film let alone pay for it. This gives Transformers 2 company in the race for worst movie of the year.

Effing Terrible CRAP. I don't know how Stephen Sommers keeps getting work.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

District 9 rekalled...

DISTRICT 9 is a "low budget" sci-fi film from relatively new director Neill Blomkamp which is based on a short film he created a few years ago. Much hyped and ballyhooed by internet pundits especially with the blessing of producer Peter Jackson, to many in the internet world he can do no wrong.

Starting in a documentary style the shaky cam is utilized but not to the detriment of the film. The special effects are fairly amazing, blending with the scenery and actors seamlessly, that is how CG should be used, as an accent, not a spectacle. The film does a great job jumping from the documentary style to film story with out any problems, when the actors speak to the camera it is natural and when the story is moving forth it feels the same and you connect with the characters in the same way.

There are so many things about this movie that I did like yet the film was a bit of a let down. I wasn't that high on it to begin with, I had my suspicions. Sadly there were a couple of things that bothered me throughout. First off, the main character or "hero" was not a good person in any way, he is a bureaucrat who gladly treats the aliens like garbage. One scene he gladly "aborts" some aliens and jokes and laughs about it, that is the one scene that stuck with me and felt un-redeemable for a "hero" character. At least not by his actions later in the film, maybe it was for most people who loved this film but it really seemed to bother me. There just wasn't any good people in the film, all humans are played as genocidal bigots which even I think is a little too bleak. And I don't think that highly of most people but I do think that there are diamonds in the rough. The other thing is the dated subject matter that the film is trying to explore, apartheid doesn't seem to be a part of the world anymore. Maybe if this film was made in the late 70's or early 80's maybe this would have been a more powerful story but the parallels were very strong to me and felt like the film was a little late to be getting the message out.

Plus it seemed like a meaner version of Alien Nation, they could have pushed it more I thought. For me the film just didn't go far enough or show enough of a character change in the main character to make me satisfied. That is my biggest problem with the movie, it was good but could have been better. Worth seeing though, just lower your expectations from greatness or best sci-fi film of the decade like I have heard.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Goods rekalled...

THE GOODS is a comedy that I had reservations heading into and was pleasantly surprised by the film. First the film was a hard R and pulled no punches with the laughs, definitely no PC. The film was more absurd than most comedies, more in the anchorman vein but obviously not as good. But it had the laughs and you will recognize most of the actors from one place or another and it seemed to be a good mix of regular comedy ensemble players and fresh to this genre. Not sure if this film was actually really funny or the previews had made it so terrible that it just surpassed my low expectations. It was, how I say, A PLEASANT DISTRACTION.

Funny People Rekalled....

FUNNY PEOPLE is an interesting comedy from Judd Apatow and Adam Sandler. It is more an Apatow film than a Sandler film in a way but it also uses Sandler as a model for the main character, even using actual home video of Sandler and his antics. But the Apatow stamp and fits in nicely with his other films. Sanlder does a great job of going against what we expect of him, he is funny yet a jerk through out the film. Not the lovable retard he plays in half his films. Seth Rogen stands out as well with his subtle turn when he is sheepish and awkward, not the nerd bravado he normally exudes. Over all a funny film with insight into the world of comedy from the 2 spectrums, those who are beginning and those who are successful.