Sunday, August 15, 2010

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World rekalled...

Scott Pilgrim vs The World is a comic book based film staring Michael Cera and directed by Edgar Wright that is heavily influenced by many facets of nerd culture. That being said I think it was a great film that should be accessible to almost anyone. The most obvious and frequent reference is video games with the styling and bases of the film and indy rock music a close second. I can not express how creative and fun this film was, a really enjoyable ride from beginning to end. The pacing of the film is go go go without feeling rush, there are no wasted moments or drawn out scenes for the most part. The characters in the film are unique and entertaining. It is hard to categorize this film; a little bit romantic comedy, an action movie with the best action scenes this year, or nerd homage. It isn't one of these, it is all of these. Edgar Wright's direction really struck me here, so many things I have not seen in a movie that worked so well. This film should have been a disaster, it had no right turning out this good. Maybe best film of the year so far.

The Other Guys rekalled...

The Other Guys is a new Will Ferrell and Adam McKay comedy in the vein of the other pseudo improv comedies of Step Brothers or Anchorman but not nearly as good. While Will Farrell was decent in the film there were no out loud laughs. Will Farrell's costar in the film; Mark Wahlberg was not funny in the least bit and he was not a good match for Ferrell's comedic stylings. Wahlberg was funnier in the Happening, unintentionally. The story was convoluted and the direction was poor. This was the odd film that I had a nice time at but realized wasn't vary good and I grew to dislike the film after seeing the film. Watching Anchorman or Step Brothers again would be a wiser decision than viewing this film for the first time.

Micmacs rekalled...

MICMACS is a french film from the famed director of Amelie, City of Lost Children and Delicatessen; Jean-Pierre Jeunet and this film is more of the same, which is not a bad thing. His films are filled with a whimsy that doesn't feel forced and is deeply textured and almost like a live action cartoon and this is no exception. A story that I really couldn't describe the plot to since it meanders and touches into many areas but feels right. A great film to feel a different point of view and style from many of the U.S. films that are pumped out ad nauseam. If you are looking for something a little different with a good heart this is it.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dinner for Schmucks rekalled...

DINNER FOR SCHMUCKS is the newest staring vehicle for Steve Carell and makes me wish he would keep his day job. If you don't know Steve Carell is the star of NBC's the Office and is leaving the show after this season to focus on his film career which will pale in comparison if this is any sign of what he will produce in the future. His performance is not to blame at all, I laughed quite a bit at this film mostly due to Carell, the story was a major weakness in my opinion. This is an odd film for me, I did find parts humorous but in between those moments I just though what a dumb movie this was. It seems most of the comedic scenes were rushed or hurried just so they could get to the awkward humor that Steve Carell has perfected on the Office. Paul Rudd's talents were wasted here, he has comedic chops of his own and was regulated to the straight man trapped in a spiraling story of improbable coincidences and forced encounters. With all the talent tied to this film I expected much more, lower your expectations and this could be enjoyed. I know the audience I saw it with enjoyed it quite a bit so maybe I am in the minority here. Again.