Friday, October 23, 2009

Paranormal Activity rekalled...

Paranormal Activity is a new horror film that has a few versions of itself floating around. I have seen what I assume is the original version with different editing and a different ending from the theatrical version. This is a reality styled movie shot through a hand held camera and operated by the characters in the film. What we are witness to seems to be a police editing of evidence for some sort of case. This reality feel accomplishes the horror feel with minimal special effects. Most of the tensions comes from anticipation from what could happen during scenes of nothing happening. Having read what the theatrical ending has(but not seeing it) I can only assume this is a more satisfying ending and more realistic and maintaining the reality of the world that the filmmakers created. I am not a horror film fan, not because I scare easily but I usually find them implausible and can't relate but this film was taut with tension and a pleasant surprise. I would recommend it for those looking for a good horror film with no gore and some frights.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are rekalled...

The picture says it all. Where the Wild Things Are is the new Spike Jonze film about the famous children's book. I was not a fan. It was a depressing morose film that was well crafted but could have been more. A very limited color pallet helps with the depressing nature of this film. The choice of voice talent was also suspect, took me out of the film. There will be an audience for this film but I am not it. Hipsters, I imagine, will love this film thinking it speaks to them. My tagline for the film would be: As Dreary and Grey as a North West Winter.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Zombieland rekalled...

ZOMBIELAND, a zombie movie with a sense a humor, was a disappointment. Laughs were few, zombie action even less and no sense of dread or urgency at any moment of the film. Trying to be a U.S. version of the Shaun of the Dead(I guess) and failing miserably. No moments of genuine angst with what would be a terrible thing for the characters and no dread or suspense for them. Just some flat characters. The movie felt like it was try to be a few things yet not fulling committing to any of them. And one main lead, Jesse Eisenberg evokes the Michael Cera school of acting yet doesn't come off as charming as him. Too bad for him or me, I don't think I will be able to see him in anything and not think I am getting a poor Michael Cera clone. So this movie failed in my eyes. Even the celebrity cameo couldn't save this, you should have to jump the shark in a movie.

the Surrogates rekalled...

the SURROGATES is the new Bruce Willis sci-fi actioneer. Set in a future where a vast majority of the populous uses robotic avatars to use in their daily life, these surrogates are either idealized forms of the user or completely different from the user and interact with each other socially and even use them in the work place. An obvious extension of our social networking internet users of today we see what could happen given some magical technological advances. A fairly straight forward sci-fi mystery and Bruce Willis delivers in this standard fair, this movie isn't breaking new ground and I could sense where the film was going from moment to moment but I enjoyed it. Not a mind blowing sci-fi spectacle but a comfort food like action film with the reliable Bruce Willis.

the Invention of Lying rekalled...

The INVENTION OF LYING is the new comedy vehicle for Ricky Gervais and is another bit of dry biting comedy. Instead of him playing his classic character of David Brent who too honestly says what he is thinking he plays a character in a would where everyone is too brutally honest and no one even knows what a lie is until he invents it. Even after he tries to explain "lying" no one can comprehend what it is and the story evolves from there. I found this an interesting comedy and had a good time with it. Not a broad faced comedy but more subtle and biting. If you miss the dry wit of Ricky Gervais then this will fill that void.

Extract rekalled...

EXTRACT, the newest comedy from MIke Judge, tries to recapture the magic that is Office Space and comes up a little short. Not a terrible film but in no way a cult classic that Office Space is. Even with the always funny Jason Bateman and the engaging and beautiful Mila Kunis the film just comes up a little flat and slightly unfinished. There are a few character roles that are nice, especially by Ben Affleck but there just seems to be something tying this film together into a great comedy. Over all a pleasant distraction but not a must see.